February (Part 2)

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The digits shone red on Shawns bedside table

He had classes tomorrow followed by a gig with his band at the local dive bar, he should be asleep by now or at least feeling sleepy but he wasn't, in fact sleep was the furthest thing from his mind

"Oh my God you are the sweetest!" Camilas voice echoed through the paper thin walls of their apartment.

She hadn't returned before he and Allie had headed out to classes and when he had returned alone she had been locked in her room obviously still not over her tantrum because she hadn't shown her face once, not to yell abuse at him, not to sit in a sulky silence just nothing more than her flirtatious giggle to other guys that filled the silent air of the apartment

"Luca!" Camila giggled and Shawn felt a sudden surge of something hot and uncomfortable and he immediately hated it. Jealousy was something he was succumbing to more and more often where Camila was involved and only the thought that she maybe felt something close to the same made him able to stomach it and not want to punish her for making him feel this way

Eventually Camilas voice fell silent and he heard her move to the bathroom, 10 minutes later her bedroom door shut and then Shawn waited, within the hour she would be creeping into his room and crawling into his bed and he couldn't wait

His eyes moved to the silver lock that remained unlocked, he should get up. One little click and this whole stupid game would come to an end but instead he lay in his bed knowing he was no more likely to turn the lock than he was to say no to her when she finally arrived


12am and Camila sat on her bed alternating between sending messages to friends and working on the black and white sketch she wanted to submit to an art competition that was being held at school.

She could hear Shawns bed frame squeak every time he moved, he was restless and she knew why but he had a girlfriend and together they were plotting to get rid of her, it shouldn't hurt, it made sense that she and Shawn couldn't live together beyond the end of the lease, they hated each other but the truth was they wanted each other more

Excitement sparked low in her belly as she thought of Shawn lying in bed, burning with want, desperate for her to give in and to go to him. The way he was always hard before she even laid one finger on him letting her know she had been in his thoughts but he had a girlfriend, he liked his girlfriend whereas he just liked fuckin her so tonight she was being a good little girl and she was staying well and truly away.

He liked his girlfriend that much to choose her over Camila? Then let her be the one to sneak into his bed, let her be the one to have him a moaning mess in seconds, Camila smiled bitterly knowing no one could have that effect on Shawn other than her, not even his own girlfriend but let her try, she wants him so much she would try to kick Camila out of her own home? Let her have him, all of him.


1am and there was still no sign of Camila, no creak of the floorboard outside his door, no gentle pad of footsteps as she snuck across his carpet, no dip of his bed followed by the feel of soft, warm flesh pushing up against him as her fingers began to move and explore

Shawn got out of bed and paced to the window, opening it and then closing it. He walked to his desk and opened his laptop hoping to watch a movie to distract himself but as soon as it turned on he lost interest and slammed it shut before returning to his bed.

Tossing and turning Shawn tried to relax but he couldn't, he was too hot, too uncomfortable. He ripped his tank top over his head and then sat up and put his head between his knees


He wanted her

God he wanted her so bad it felt as though his body and mind were on fire. His fingers tingled with the need to touch her, his lips dry, his throat tight

Lowering his hand he stroked himself over his shorts, hoping that some 'self love' might take the edge off but all it did was pour gasoline on to the fire

What would she say if he crept into her room?

Would she want him even now she believed he and Allie were conspiring against her?

Was she still awake?

Was she suffering the same self incineration that he was?

Was she tossing and turning, her mind filled with nothing but him?

He had told her he had a girl he liked and she was nothing more than the girl he fucked but in truth it was her that he liked, her that consumed his body and his mind

She had ran from the apartment, ran from him and he should let her stay away, allow her to put a distance between them he couldn't close but in truth all he but he could hear was her whispering his name, her nails digging into his flesh, her mouth all over him and God how he wanted it, how he needed it

Jumping up from his bed Shawn almost ran to his door and gripped the handle tightly

He shouldn't do this, he shouldn't want this so bad but he did. He couldn't deny it, he wanted her in a way that was sending him out of his mind

He turned the handle and pulled the door open, this was it. This was when he had to make the decision. Was he going to go back on everything he said? Was he going to walk in there and take her the way his body was commanding him to or was he going to close and lock the door, even if it meant spending the rest of the night standing under a cold shower?

His plan with Allie to make Camila so jealous she caved in and admitted what she felt for him was more than just sex had seemed perfect at first but now, standing in the middle of his bedroom Shawn realised how dangerous the ground he stood on had become

He and Camila were fire and ice, just one look and sparks flew, sometime they were furious and sometimes they were passionate but always they were all consuming

1:13am... did he move or did he stay still?

Did he pull her back to him or did he let her breakaway?

*Okay, so I think one more chapter after this, fingers crossed

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