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Camila sat in the middle of a raging house party and sipped at the soda she held in her hand

This was her first house party, it was another part of college life she had been desperate to experience but as she was discovering with a lot of 'college life' the thought of it and the reality of it were two completely different things.

In the movies there was loud cheerful music, girls and guys dancing and by the end of the night they were making out. In reality the house already stank of alcohol and B.O when she arrived, the music was loud and angry and there was no dancing just a lot of very drunk college kids making out as furiously as the lead singer of the band that was playing screamed.

"I hate it here" Camila huffed and her friend Casey stopped making out with her male companion long enough to turn to her and gasp 'I love it here' before she was pulled back into the aggressive make out session she had just broken free of

"Camila, aren't you Shawns room mate?"

And here was another part of college life that hadn't quite lived up to expectations. The 'room mate'.

In the movies they bonded immediately, shared everything, binge watched box sets together, hung out together, had pillow fights and spent the weekends ordering in pizza and laughing about the lame events of the past week but in reality 'the room mate' was Shawn and he didn't bond, share, laugh or eat pizza he lurked, gave her long uncomfortable gazes in long uncomfortable silences he played music he knew she hated loudly in the middle of the night and turned her movies off and replaced them with terrifying horror movies when he wanted the sofa to himself and Camila wasn't sure if she feared him or hated him most but he was hot, even she could see through her dislike of him long enough to recognise it and unfortunately so did almost every other female on campus which made Camila their number 1 target for a BFF that is until Shawn fucked them and then forgot about them at which point Camila would be kicked to the curb also

"Hey, are you in there?" Asked the blond with surfer curls

"Sorry I was day dreaming"

"So would I if I lived with Shawn Mendes" she said looking in Shawn's direction and fanning herself "I know this is lame but do you think you could introduce us?"


"Uh... what? Why not?"

"Shawn hates me. If I introduce you he will hate you too. You will be hated through association, so no. If our want to fuck him go say hi yourself" Camila returned to her soda as the blond stomped back to her group of friends the words 'Camila' 'bitch' 'Go back where she cane from' floated through the fog of cannabis smoke and heavy metal music and eventually rang loud in Camilas ears

"Casey I'm going" so tapped her friend in the shoulder but received no reply "Case"

"Here..." a guy with neat blond hair and warm chocolate eyes held out a solo cup to her "Cherryade right?"

"Yeah..." Camila said taking the cup in her hand and smiling up at the male

"Want to join me? Get away from their attempt at making a porno" he asked whilst using his head to motion towards Casey and her new 'friend'

"Sure" said Camila leaving her half drank soda behind and following the blond to a corner whilst taking a big gulp of her new, colder beverage.


"Are you out of your fuckin mind?!"

I lift my head and look at Shawn, he's so furious his face is red and I think i actually see a vein throbbing on his forehead

"How old are you? Do you know the things that could have happened to you?"

I try to answer him but my stomach turns again and I dry heave into the toilet bowl, the contents of my stomach having exited some time earlier

"Stop shouting at me!" I say somewhere between a cry and a yell

"I'm serious Camila, if i hadn't have come looking for you..."

"I know!" I throw myself back against the cold tiled wall of our bathroom and cover my head with my hands as i sob into my knees.

Ryan handing me a cherryade and giving me that friendly smile was not the act of kindness I had taken it for. Walking to the corner with him was the last thing I remember before coming round in our bathroom puking my guts up whilst Shawn berated me about the stupidity of my actions and the dangers of taking drinks from a stranger at a party

"I'm sorry" I whisper as he kneels down in front of me and grabs me by the shoulders, my eyes taking in the state of his knuckles for the first time

"Do you know what he gave you?"


"Do you know why he gave you it?!" his voice is too loud, his breath too hot and his face too close for my current state so i nod "He was going to rape you! Do you understand that?!" I nod "Is that all you can fuckin do? Cry, puke and nod? Did your parents teach you nothing before letting you leave home?"

"I made a mistake"

"Yeah and so did they. You don't belong here Camila, you're going to get yourself fuckin killed or something"

He pushes me hard against the wall and then storms out of the bathroom, leaving me alone, the images of what could have happened replacing the blankness the drug had left in my mind

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