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"To one year of dating!"

Shawn and Camila both clinked their glasses and then took a sip of their champagne

"Can you believe how much you didn't want to date me at first and yet how much you did want to bone me?" Shawn chuckled as he set his champagne glass down on the small wooden table Camila had set up in their front room and covered with a crisp, white table cloth in honour of their celebration

"I didn't want to date anyone, not just you, I wanted to do college and have all the experiences being a young married mother had denied me but yeah, I couldn't keep my hands off you could I? I still can't"

Shawn smiled and laced their fingers together over the table

"Are you ready for this week?"

"Yeah, It's about time I stood up to Luis, well everyone really, for myself but especially for Elena"

"I can't wait to finally meet her"

"You're going to love her"

"I already love her, she's a part of you, what's not to love?"

Camila smiled happily at her boyfriend, one year of dating and she still couldn't get used to that word.


In a way it sounded childish when she considered that she had once had a husband, but boyfriend was nice, it was freeing instead of suffocating. Boyfriend was where she felt she was in her life right now. Free, for the first time since she was a teenager, exploring and discovering a life so different to the one she had known and with Shawn, her boyfriend by her side.

Her lover

Her protector

"The attorney seemed pretty confident you would be granted more regular custody. Your medical records hold up and your behaviour since has been exemplary "

"Yeah but I don't want to get my hopes up, Luis has a way of always ending up with what he wants and now he has a wife, they're a family only with my daughter instead of their own"

"We're going to be a family. You, me, Elena and any other little Mendes offspring that happen to show up along the way"

"You want children?!"

"Maybe, one day, if they're your children too" Shawn brought his girlfriends hand to his lips "I know this isn't easy, seeing Luis and his wife with your daughter but we're going to fight it, we're going to be a real part of her life I promise you that. You and Elena deserve that"

Camila couldn't help the tears that trickled over her lower lids. Shawn was perfect, everything he said to her and did for her was perfect, their life may not be what a teenage Camila or Shawn had dreamt of but it was everything they could have hoped for and more because they were together and they were in the kind of love that most people doubted actually existed

"I love you" Camila whispered whilst placing a kiss on the back of his hand

"I love you too, more than you can imagine and once we get Elena here with us, even if it's just for a week or a weekend then it's just... It's going to be perfect Camila"

"It already is perfect, because you are. I don't deserve you but I am so thankful for you. You're going to be the best step-daddy ever to Elena and then when our own children come along..."

"I can't wait" Shawn confirmed

"Me either" Camila whispered "I can't wait for every second of my life that i'm going to live with you"

"Well i'm never going to live another second of my life without you, you're stuck with me" he winked

"And there's no place i'd rather be"


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