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"Hey" Shawn slipped his arms around Camilas waist as she dropped her suitcases into her bedroom

"You're eager" she giggled as he began kissing her ear and then down the side of her neck as his hands moved around to the button on her jeans

"It's been 3 weeks Camila"

"Right. As if you didn't have someone else in your bed before I even made it to the airport" she turned in his arms and looked up at him as his lips immediately descended onto hers

"I didn't actually" he began unbuttoning his grey patterned shirt as his kiss became more hungry and more desperate.


He wriggled his shoulders and let the shirt drop to the floor as his hands pushed into her open jeans and groped her ass and he realised he was quickly becoming addicted to the feel of her ass in his hands.

"Pick a room" he said, his voice low and wanting

"Right here is fine by me" she replied, separating their mouths just long enough to pull her purple sweatshirt over her head before pushing their lips back together and gripping his curls in her hands

"Correct answer" he replied, turning her around and pushing her chest against the living room wall and shimmying her jeans and underwear over her hips and down her legs until they pooled at her ankles.

Pulling a condom from his pocket, he pushed down his own jeans and underwear before protecting himself and aligning himself with her centre and then taking a second to even out his breathing before firmly pushing into her and immediately beginning to move

"You were just waiting to jump me" she gasped as she pushed back against him, taking everything he was giving and still demanding more

"Been waiting 3 weeks" He groaned as he lay his forearms on the wall at either side of her head as his lips bit and sucked at her neck whilst his hips pounded against her ass

Knowing he wasn't going to last long, Shawn moved his hand to her clit and began to edge her closer and closer to that feeling of euphoria they were both desperately seeking and it didn't take long before Camila found it, quickly followed by Shawn

"So, welcome back" he chuckled whilst he pulled up his boxers and then his jeans

"What a welcome" she replied, reaching down and shimmying back into her underwear and jeans


"No I can't I have to shower, I feel gross after the flight and then I have a date"

Shawn paused, shirt in hand "excuse me a what?"

"A date, Luke, this guy from school slid into my dm's over the holidays" she pulled her sweater over her head and grinned at her less than impressed room mate "sliding into dm's is such a college thing to do. I love college"

"And what about fuckin your room mate before going out with some other guy? is that such a 'college thing to do'?"

Camila watched as Shawn pulled his shirt back on, obviously irritated at something she had said or done

"I'm going out"

"What did I do?"

"Really Camila? 'What did I do?' You know what, fuck you!" reaching for his leather jacket, Shawn stormed from the apartment, slamming the door behind him and leaving Camila wondering what the hell had just happened.

"You just did that" she said quietly and then made her way to the shower and to start preparing for her first 'date' as a college girl.


Shawn lay in bed tossing and turning.

It was 10.30 and Camila still wasn't home

"Fuck!" He threw back the covers and climbed out of bed, heading for the kitchen as he heard the door open and his room mate slip inside, he glared at her briefly before walking past her and into the kitchen

"Okay grumpy what's up?" Again he glared but said nothing "Shawn?"

"How was your 'date'?" He asked bitterly before gulping down a bottle of water

"Pretty lame" she replied whilst slipping off her coat and missing the way Shawns eyes hungrily looked her over "He just went on and on about football. I mean do I look like a football fan?"

"I don't know what you are to be honest with you"

"And what does that mean?" She stopped, one shoe in her hand and gazed at him in confusion

"Well I thought you were this naive kid from Miami that couldn't take care of them self but it turns out you're a girl that will fuck your room mate and then skip out of here on a date"

"You assumed I was a naive kid from Miami that couldn't take care of herself, that's on you not me and Is that why you're pissed? Because I went out with Luke?"


"It is so! Are you jealous?!" She whipped off her other shoe and stalked across the kitchen towards him, standing just a few feet from him, hands on her hips and an amused look on her face

"I'm not jealous and I'm not bothered about Luke" he twisted the cap back onto his bottle "Whoever the fuck Luke is"

"Shawn, this is just sex. You know that right?"

"Camila, my whole life is 'just sex' you don't have to spell anything out to me, trust me on that"

"So why are you so mad at me?"

"I'm not mad"

"Well your face looks mad and your voice sounds mad"

"I'm not mad"

"I told you I wanted the full college experience, all the firsts, all the cliche, all the drama"

"Yeah, So?" Shawns hands were now on his hips, his face tense, not liking one word that was coming out of Camilas mouth but in no mood to tell her that

"So a boyfriend doesn't fit into that"

"I don't want to be your boyfriend Camila" he walked past her and shook his head "I'm going to bed"

"Well can I still join you?"

"As long as there's sex involved, that's all this is after all"

* 1 more middle chapter then the end part 2 and it's done

*i know I said I would publish them all together but I'm getting so little time to write atm and I wanted to I've You something

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