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"Shawn!" Camila stood in her bed shorts and tank top and hammered on her room mates door, he could hear her, she was sure of it but would he respond? would he hell! "Shawn!"

It was 2am and Shawns heavy metal music had been playing full volume since 11pm. Usually she could manage to zone out and fall asleep but tonight no matter what she did she couldn't ignore the voices screaming obscenities coming from Shawns room

"Shawn I have a test tomorrow!"

"Go study then!" he finally responded and Camila was so exasperated she hit the door hard with her fist and instead of pain she was surprised to find she felt relief so she raised her fist and hit it again and then again and again until suddenly it swung open and Shawn stood there in just a pair of grey track pants, his hair messy and his cheeks pink

"Sorry" She said quickly when she recognised the look of annoyance on his face

"What the fuck are you doing?"

"I don't know, i'm tired and I was trying to sleep and you were playing your music really loud and i started banging and it felt really good so I kept banging. um, what... what are you doing?"


"Really? I didn't hear it, I just heard your shouty music. Why were you banging at 2am and what were you banging?"

"Me" Came a female voice from behind him

"Oh...OH!" Camila covered her eyes and began backing up "I am so sorry. Geez, I'm so, so sorry"

"Come on Shawn, lets head to my place, we aren't going to get any where staying here with your lunatic room mate"

"Yeah sure. Whatever" Shawn answered reaching for his shoes and his sweatshirt and then leaving the apartment and a very embarrassed Camila behind


"Camila?" Shawn stepped into his apartment and couldn't quite believe what he was seeing. The sofa was turned over, the TV and Playstation missing. Moving from the living area to the kitchen it felt as though he was walking through mud, his eyes seeing but his brain failing to comprehend.

The contents of the refrigerator lay strewn across the kitchen floor, the appliances of any value all missing. What the hell was going on? When he got home the front door had been locked, there was no sign of damage but inside the entire apartment had been annihilated

"Camila?!" He called again, this time louder and with more fear in his voice "Camila?!" He turned and ran to her bedroom, trying the handle but it was locked.

She was inside

"Camila it's me, are you in there?" There was no reply "Camila! What the fuck happened? Can you open the God damn door?!" He began hammering on the door, much as she had just a few hours earlier "Camila are you okay? let me in!"


Finally he heard her tiny voice from behind the door and then a sniff, she had been crying

"Open the door"

"Are you alone?"

"Of course i'm alone, come on Camila, i'm serious, open up"

Shawn heard the sound of the lock turning and then the handle slowly lowering. He was surprised to feel his heart rate pick up as he began to panic about what had happened to someone as tiny and as naive as Camila in the midst of all this chaos.

Finally she stood before him, her hair loose but wild, her eyes puffy and red

"Are you hurt?" was the first thing from his mouth as he instinctively reached out and took hold of her shoulder, his chest constricting when she immediately shrugged him off

"You didn't lock the door" She answered, her voice shaky "When you went to fuck your new friend you didn't lock the door"

"Camila i'm sorry I..."

"Her boyfriend and his friends came over here looking for you both, when they realised you were gone they thought they would have a little fun. They took everything that was worth anything"

"It's just stuff"

"And me? What am I Shawn? Your stupid little room mate that's too happy and too excited and so easily left alone, you were so eager to get that girl naked you didn't even lock the door! You just left me here, left me on my own!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't know"

"Didn't know she had a boyfriend or just didn't care? Didn't know that i would be here alone when he came for revenge or just didn't care about that either Shawn?" tears ran down her face as she pushed past him but he was quicker than her and grabbed her by the arm, spinning her to him

"Did they hurt you?"

"Did they hit me or rape me? No, if that's what you are afraid of then no they didn't. Did they push me around and laugh at me when I cried? yes. Did they call me another one of your 'whores' and enjoy describing In detail what they assumed you did to me every night? Yes"

"Camila I'm so sorry"

"For what?! For leaving and not locking the door for caring about nothing but your dick? For not caring, not even one tiny, little bit about me, even after we have lived together for months now?! Or for just being you? A god damn dirty, disgusting whore!" Camila screamed the last word at him and Shawn couldn't help the way he reached for her and dragged her to him, even when her fists began pummelling his chest, even when her knees gave way and they both crashed to the ground he kept a tight hold of her, pulling her body to his

"It's okay..." he soothed "it will be okay"

"Look what they did" she sobbed into his shoulder and then pulled away and tugged down the neck of her t-shirt to display 'slut' scrawled over her chest in permanent marker "Look what they think of me, look what you made them think of me!"


Sitting in the counter top in the kitchen wearing nothing more than a black sports bra and her lemon coloured sleep shorts Camila kept her eyes closed as Shawn used a soapy sponge and scrubbed at the permanent marker

"It's almost off" he said but it sounded so much as though he was speaking to himself that Camila didn't feel the need to answer, her tears and temper had finally calmed and with it came a numbness "I will replace everything they took" she didn't reply to that either, instead she just nodded and allowed Shawn to clean off the remaining ink before hopping down from the counter and grabbing her pink, fluffy blankie from the sofa

"I'm going to bed" she said heading into her room and climbing under the covers. As she lay in the room that was now lightened by the sun she attempted to keep her mind numb and blank as she heard Shawn moving throughout the apartment, attempting, she assumed to tidy what he could

Eventually she drifted off into a fitful sleep, her mind finally caving under the weight of her experiences that night. The nightmares came hard and fast, each one worse than the one before, her tiny body thrashing under the covers.

She didn't know how long she had been asleep when she suddenly jolted awake, her face damp with a mix of sweat and tears her arms heavy, in fact so heavy she found she couldn't move. She struggled in a state of panic for a brief moment before she finally opened her eyes and saw the arm that was draped over her, clutching her tightly to a broad, naked chest

"Shawn!" She gasped as she looked into his sleeping face. He looked so beautiful and so peaceful she almost couldn't remember why she had been so angry with him just a few hours earlier.

Turning onto her side, Camila allowed Shawn to spoon her as she closed her eyes once more and finally succumbed to the quiet, peaceful sleep her body craved

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