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"Where's Allie?"

"Don't say her name like that"

"Like what?"

"With your nose scrunched up like she's something you stepped in"

Shawn hung up his jacket, smirking to himself that he had barely stepped foot into the apartment before Camila started asking after Allie

"You know Camila, you're the one that didn't want anything more than sex from me so you don't actually have the right to be this jealous"

Camilas jaw dropped as her eyes widened and she sprang up from the sofa "what did you say?"

"I said you have no right to be jealous of Allie" he said it as he dropped down into the space just vacated by his enraged room mate. He loved how easily he could effect her, whether it was arguing during the day or getting physical at night he knew every button to press to get the reaction he wanted

"I am not jealous of anyone thank you very much especially not that Barbie wannabe"

"Well you turn a pretty strong shade of green whenever she's mentioned"

"You wish I cared"

"You care" he said in a matter of fact tone whilst turning on the tv and beginning to scan through Netflix

"If I cared I would be your girlfriend now not Allie"

"No you wouldn't, I like Allie, I fuck you, you're a great lay Camila but you aren't girlfriend material"

"I hate you!"

"The feeling's mutual honey" he kicked his feet up in to the coffee table and settled on a Marvel T.V show as his evening viewing.

"Grab me some chips will you?"

"Get your own fuckin chips!"

"You're closer to the kitchen than I am"

"And you are insane if you think I will do anything for you"

"Until tonight when you'll do everything I tell you to"

"You're a dick!"

"Yeah well you're a bitch!"

"Hey you can hear you guys in the hallway" Allie walked into the apartment and Camila rolled her eyes. She hated the way Shawns girlfriend felt as though she could just come and go as though the apartment was hers just because she was dating the tenant

"Hey babe" Shawn called over his shoulder patting the seat next to him and Camila almost puked at the way Allie all but skipped to be by his side

"It's a wonder the neighbours haven't complained about you two"

Camila grinned "They have" she informed her and loved the way Shawn span in his seat and glowered at her "multiple times"

"Noise complaints" Shawn offered narrowing his eyes to threaten Camila not to say another word, Allie was the last person that needed to know they had been reported to the landlord numerous times because of their noisy nighttime activities

"So I guess you will be looking for somewhere else to live after the Summer" Allie asked Shawn as he slid his arm around her shoulder and he and Camila shared a sober look

"I don't know" he stuttered, actually thinking for the first time if this was a situation that he wanted to go on for longer than his first year.

He and Camila were terrible room mates, they fought and bickered and couldn't stand to be in the same room as each other most of the time but then there was the nights when they were so perfect together, he couldn't imagine her not being the first think he saw every morning or the last thing he saw each night

"Well you obviously can't carry on living together"

"Obviously" mimicked Camila But Allie ignored her

"You know you and I could always look for a place or if Camila decides to move out I could just take her place on the lease"

Take her place on the lease?!

Camila attempted to remain calm as she watched Shawn running his fingers through Allies hair the way his fingers had moved through her own hair that very morning

"I'm staying" she announced

"Great, Shawn that means you go"

"Anything you say sweetie" Allie giggled as he placed little kisses on her cheek and Camila span as fast as she could and bolted for the front door. Slamming it as hard as she could as she exited the apartment not sure where she was actually going


"Oh my God! Shawn this is so much fun. Your room mate is so easy to piss off"

"It's crazy, she didn't want me as a boyfriend, she made that more than clear but she can't stand to see me have a girlfriend, even if it is just a fake one" he and Allie clinked beer bottles as they both laughed loudly

"Being your fake girlfriend Is making this year so much more exciting than I expected it to be"

"Well you're the best fake girlfriend a guy could ask for. Thanks again for doing this"

"What exactly do you want to get out of this though?"

"Camila. All of Camila, not this little 'enemies with benefits' shit we have going on" he placed his beer bottle down on the coffee table and sat back with his hands behind his head "I just need her to realise that we are supposed to be together"

*one more chapter left

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