February (Part 3)

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Shawns heart hammered deep within his chest as he carefully pushed open the door to Camilas room, half expecting to find her sat up in bed waiting for him.

She was always so sure that he would give in to her and in truth he always did but to his surprise, tonight she was lying on her back fast asleep, her chest naked, exposed and highlighted by the sliver of moonlight that came in through her window.

Her black curls fanned around her, her lips slightly parted and her face so serene in the rapture of sleep that it drew him to her even more than the sight of her naked chest

"Camila..." the sound of her name slipping from his lips in the moonlight made Shawns gut clench as he moved closer to the girl that now looked like a Goddess lying in wait for him. How he had ever thought he could deny her or himself made him shake his head as he approached the bed and sat beside her sleeping form. "Camila..." he repeated but she didn't move.

Reaching out, Shawn let his finger trail from her throat, over her naked chest and down through the valley that lay between her breasts and he felt himself begin to grown within his pants as her nipples hardened making him smile with pride that even in sleep she wanted him.

Lowering his head he swished his tongue over the hardened peaks, his hard-on straining in his shorts, the want consuming him completely.

Throwing a leg over her waist he straddled her, holding her face in his hands as he began to kiss her as though he were suffocating and she was his final breath. He sucked hard on her bottom lip as his tongue moved easily into her mouth with no resistance and as he moved his hands from her cheeks to her breasts he couldn't help but audibly moan as he felt her shift below him, her hips pressing up against his hardness

"What kept you?" She asked, her voice coated with sleep but Shawn didn't answer he simply swallowed down her breath and then returned to kissing her like crazy as his palms cupped her breasts and his thumbs moved back and forth over her nipples as she raised her hand and squeezed his dick over his shorts

"Fuck" he groaned as he quickly manoeuvred himself out of his shorts, kicking the fabric to the floor and then taking himself in his hand and pushing roughly into his bedmate.

"Ooooh" she groaned as she lifted her hips and wrapped her legs around his waist as he began to plunge himself in and out, his mouth leaving sloppy kisses on her lips and chest before sucking a nipple into his mouth causing her to gasp as she grabbed his hair and kept his mouth on her breast, his tongue licking and lips sucking loudly

"Aw shit" he groaned as he began to slow, his movements not as quick but just as rough as he grabbed the headboard and thrust himself as deeply into her as he thought was humanly possible. Her light cries of ecstasy pushing him quickly to the edge.

Keeping one hand gripped on to the headboard he reached a hand between them and then began circling her clit, loving the way she threw her hands back over her head and grabbed on to the pillow, surrendering herself to him completely, giving him her body to take from it what he could and trusting him to give just as much in return.

Before long her hips were slamming into his as she arched up off the bed, her body stilling as her inner walls began to pulsate around him and his name slipped over her lips in a long, lowly moan

"Whatever will your girlfriend say?" she whispered between ragged breaths

"I don't have a girlfriend" he replied hooking one knee up to her shoulder and allowing his body to take her with the ferocity it craved, the headboard banging loudly against the wall as the sound mingled and then became one with his desperate moans of pleasure as he peaked and then stilled before shuddering hard against her

"You broke up with her?" Camila asked in complete surprise as Shawn flopped down next to her, his arm over his eyes and his breathing heavy "But you guys were talking about getting a place together this afternoon, in fact if I remember correctly you were talking about kicking me out and moving Allie in"

"Allie and I... we aren't together" Camila propped herself up on one elbow as she looked at him sternly, trying to make sense of what he was saying "We were never together"

"What are you talking about? you have been dating for weeks, she's been using this place as her own little 'home from home' for weeks, you were cuddling her and calling her pet names just this afternoon"

Shawn didn't know why he was admitting this, why he suddenly felt so burdened by the truth but in the moonlight of her bedroom he couldn't keep up the pretence any longer, he had an overwhelming need to show her his truth and hoped with every fibre of him she would trust him with hers

"It was fake" he turned on his side and lifted his hand to her face "It might sound stupid but I um... I thought if I pretended Allie and I were a couple then maybe you would come to your senses and realise that this.." he motioned a finger between their naked bodies "Was more than just a physical thing"

"Oh my God!!" Camila grabbed the blanket and pulled it to cover her chest "You've been lying about having a girlfriend? How old are you?!"


"So you could manipulate me into something you knew I didn't want?" She jumped up out of the bed leaving Shawn naked and exposed as he reached for a pillow and covered his intimate area

"Camila, I know you want me"

"You know I don't want a relationship though"

"So we're just supposed to do this for the rest of the year?"

"What is so wrong with this?"

"It messes with my head that's what!" he reached for his shorts and pulled them back "Because when we are in here it's perfect and when we are out there its a disaster because you are trying so hard to keep us apart when we both know we are supposed to be together"

Camila shook her head furiously as she slipped into an oversized t-shirt "You're out of your mind"

"Oh am I? Then why were you so jealous over Allie?"

"I wasn't jealous" she said as she crossed her hands over her chest and then dropped down onto her bed

"Oh you weren't? Okay then"

"Even if I was it doesn't mean I want more from you than I am getting"

"Well I do! I do okay, I want to take you out, I want to watch T.V on the couch, I want to kiss you because I can kiss you not because it's going to lead to sex"

Camilas head dropped to her hands as Shawn sat next to her on the bed "I can't give you what you want"

"Why not?"

"Because I just can't"

"Well can you at least try?!"

"I can't!"

"Camila..." He reached for her hand but she snatched it away immediatly

"I said I can't, trust me Shawn, i just can't"

"Then I can't do this anymore, I can't keep putting myself through this. I want you, you want me but you won't give me yourself and you won't tell me why not"

"I can't" she repeated

"Fine" He said with a finality to his voice as he pushed himself to his feet

"Fine" she said quietly as she watched him go, desperate to grab him and pull him back to her but resolute that this was how it had to be, she wouldn't run after him and she wouldn't look back.

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