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Wriggling out from under Shawn's arm Camila shivered in the coldness of her room and briefly wished for the heat of Miami.

Toronto in fall had been cold but Toronto in December was teaching her she really didn't know what cold was at all

Padding over to her closet she took out her clothes for the day and then headed in to the shower, sparing only the briefest of glances for her sleeping room mate

This was a routine they had fallen into ever since the break in, she would head to bed, toss and turn and struggle to sleep and then when he was ready Shawn would come in, lie behind her with his arm holding her protectively to him and within minutes she would be asleep.

They never discussed their sleeping arrangement in the waking hours and Camila was thankful for that, Shawn had also stopped bringing home random girls, obviously shaken by what had happened the last time he had and Camila was thankful for that too.

By the time Camila had showered, dressed and applied light make up Shawn was up and sat at the breakfast bar eating fruit and drinking coffee wearing nothing more than a pair of black shorts and a hair band to tame his curls, for not the first time since they moved in together Camila allowed her gaze to trail over his body, taking in the bulges of muscles, the dips of his abs and the array of tattoos that splattered his skin.

She always knew he was jacked but now knowing what it felt like to have his hard body pressed up against hers just made her pulse speed up a little faster

Shawns head lifted as his eyes moved over her

"You going somewhere?"

"Christmas shopping with Casey"

"Any guys?"

Camilas face scrunched in surprise at his question, they barely spoke about anything let alone what they were doing on the weekend and who would be involved

"Not that I know of"

"What does that mean?" His forehead creased at the vagueness of her answer

"Well sometimes Casey gets chatting to guys when we go out shopping and sometimes we go for a coffee or something and sometimes she ends up making out with them whilst I stuff my face with chocolate cake and make awkward conversation with the one I'm left with who generally majors in Science or math and has an array of nasty looking spots covering his face, she does it on purpose I'm sure"

"Good. Stick to those guys"

Camila could have sworn she saw a smile on Shawns lips and she rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn't seeing things and sure enough when she looked back he was frowning into his coffee

"Do you need a ride?"

Again Camilas jaw dropped in surprise.

They were room mates that now happened to share a bed for protection purposes, they didn't make small talk, they didn't show an interest in each other's lives and they didn't do kind things for each other like offering rides. All she could think was the magic of Christmas had hit Shawn early and it was alarmingly strange and unnatural

"No it's fine, Casey's picking me up downstairs. In fact I'd better get going" picking up her black leather purse Camila didn't even say bye as she bolted out the door leaving Shawn alone with thoughts that were beginning to get very loud and very crowded in his head


"Where were you?!" Shawn towered over Camila, his eyes blazing into her as she stood in the doorway her wide eyes, pink nose and blue bobble hat all that was visable above the array of bags she was holding

"Shopping! Obviously!"

"Do you know how long you have been gone?!"

"All day?"

"Yes all day and all evening" without thinking he began taking the bags from Camilas arms and carrying them into her bedroom "you couldn't have called? Let me know you hadn't been drugged or robbed again?!"

"Well first Dad I don't have your number and second... well second you aren't my dad!"

"And you aren't very good at keeping yourself safe is it any wonder I panicked?"

"You panicked? About me? The annoying girl you call the pain in your ass?" She crossed her arms over her thick woolen coat and grinned at him "i'm growing on you"

Shawn just shook his head and took the remainder of the bags from her feet to her bedroom

"You thought you were so cool and I was such a nerd and you were going to hate me forever but admit it I'm growing on you, you don't hate me as bad as before do you?"

"I still hate you" he huffed before walking to the sofa and dropping down on to it and flicking on the new TV

"But not as much, admit it"


"You think, this time next year you might actually like me"

"I will never like you"

"And then the year after you might love me"

"Keep going And I might murder you"

"Yeah, yeah tough guy, you keep telling yourself that" she giggled loudly as she removed her coat revealing a black lacy gypsy style crop top she definitely hadn't been wearing when she left that morning. Shawn's eyes widened at the sight

"You... you changed"

"I bought this in the sale and Casey made me wear it because she was struggling to find a guy to make out with"

"So she used you as bait?"

"Well kind of but it back fired because guess who did the making out... that's right this girl!" She grinned and then did a little dance "I need to shower and then eat I'm starving"

Shawn just stared at her, his mind reeling, words forming and then failing in his mouth

'Guess who made out... this girl'

Who the fuck did she make out with?

Where were his hands?

He better have kept his God damn tongue in his mouth!

Shawn threw an arm over his eyes and growled his brain was growing way too crowded, his patience way too short he had an over riding urge to find who ever Camila had 'made out' with and strangle him

"Fuck" he muttered into the room in which he sat all alone, the sound of running water filling the remaining spaces in his brain with less than innocent images "I don't think I hate her anymore" he admitted to no one in particular

*so these 5 chapters are part one of a mini book I wanted to write as a thank you for all the support you have given me and my books

* maybe another 4 or 5 chapters to go I hope you enjoy it

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