Chapter Thirty-Three: Peace

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The day we've all been waiting for finally arrived, and none of us could contain our excitement over today's expedition. Cadets chattered among themselves as we assembled on the headquarters' grounds, while the others saddled their horses to secure their things. Currently, I was with the 104th cadets, mulling over what we could possibly see as we go beyond the areas we knew.

"I can't wait to see what's on the edge of our island!" Sasha exclaimed as she practically skipped from one area to another, with both Jean and Connie, talking about what they'll be doing once all of this was over.

"[Y/N], have you thought about your plans after this? Or will you be staying with the Survey Corps?" Armin asked as he turned to face me, and I answered with a small smile, "Of course I'll still stay with the Survey Corps, but I'll be volunteering at the hospital from time to time."

"You've talked this through with Squad Leader Hanji?" Eren asked curiously, and I nodded as I said, "Yes, Hanji said that they'll support me in anything I want to do, as long as I remain safe. What about you guys?"

With a soft sigh of relief, Mikasa said, "I was planning on going back to living a simple life with Eren, the way it used to be before this all started. What about you Armin?"

Eren smiled genuinely at this, and Armin responded immediately, "I'll stay with Survey Corps too, like [Y/N]. I still have a lot to learn, and Commander Erwin has offered to take me under his wing."

"You two are quite the same, so I have no doubt that you guys would find what you're looking for," Mikasa said as she gave Armin a hug, and a few seconds later, we were all hugging the blonde male.

We were truly happy for each other, as we've never expected that things would finally go our way and that we won't have to die at the hands of the titans. Things may no longer return to the way there were before, but at the very least, peace was finally an option.

"Ready, everyone?" Commander Erwin's voice rang out throughout the grounds, and we all stood up straight and did our salutes as we responded, "We're ready!"

He then smiled at us as he mounted his horse, maneuvering it so that he'd be facing us, as he announced, "Today, humanity will be taking its first steps towards the truth, and I'm more than elated to be able to share this moment with you. If there's nothing else, let's head out!"

We all cheered as we mounted our own horses, and I couldn't contain my excitement as I went over to Hanji's side, who was already atop their horse. Smiling warmly at them, I asked, "How are you feeling, Hanji? Excited? Nervous? Both?"

Hanji chuckled softly as they reached out to me, holding my hand in theirs as they said, "You're right, I'm both nervous and excited, yet I'm still looking forward to this. There's nothing I'd want more than to discover an entirely new world ahead of us with you by my side."

There was something different in Hanji - they were practically radiating an elated aura as if they had something in mind that made them feel ecstatic. I don't blame them, though, I completely felt the same way, and I squeezed their hand as I told them, "I love you, Hanji."

Hanji smiled brightly at this, and they leaned forward as they stole a kiss from my lips before responding, "I love you too, [Y/N]."


We rode hard and fast once we were out of the wall's gate, and even though there have been no sightings of any titans for some time now, we were still on high alert. After all, we didn't know if they were just someplace else, or something similar. It was better to be safe than sorry.

Commander Erwin and Captain Levi led the way, with the rest of us doing our best to keep up with the pace the two men set. While it wasn't exactly breakneck speed, it was still a bit faster than the pace we usually did during our previous expeditions.

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