Chapter Eighteen: Prelude to Misfortune

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The day of the expedition was finally here, and I couldn't help but be nervous from the moment I woke up, to when I finished preparing myself for the day - even at this moment where we were waiting for Commander Erwin's final orders before we head out. Despite having gone out on several expeditions already, the feeling was one I'll never get used to.

I was currently situated next to Captain Levi on the grounds directly outside the headquarters, though I desperately wished I could be beside my friends at this moment. I can't possibly talk about being terrified of dying right next to humanity's strongest soldier now, can I?

As if Captain Levi could sense what I was thinking, I saw him glance at me as he said, "Don't die, cadet," before walking off to where Commander Erwin was. I wasn't even able to answer, but then again I'm sure that he wouldn't accept anything other than an affirmative.

If Hanji were here, I'd feel more at ease.

I sighed heavily as I glanced at the others who were nearby their assigned buddies, and then I glanced once more at Captain Levi who was conversing with Commander Erwin. Just as I was about to wonder where Hanji was, they appeared in the headquarters' doorway along with Moblit, their faces grim as they walked towards Commander Erwin.

"Erwin, am I allowed to change my mind? I wish to join today's expedition instead," we heard Hanji say, though their voice wasn't really loud, it wasn't exactly quiet either.

As if on cue, Hanji's eyes met mine, and I quickly averted my gaze, meeting the curious looks of the other cadets instead. I briefly wondered what made Hanji change their mind until my train of thought was broken when Erwin responded to Hanji's request, "I'm afraid that's not possible. We will be leaving in less than five minutes, Hanji, we can't accommodate any sudden changes - besides, as of the moment you're much needed here than out there, in case anything happens."

Hanji's face hardened at this but merely nodded in answer, their head slightly lowering in disappointment.

"I understand," Hanji stated before turning to face everyone with a small smile, their eyes lingering on mine a bit longer, "Come back safely, everyone."

Followed by Moblit, Hanji headed back inside the headquarters, but not before stopping directly in front of me as they whispered, "Remember your promise to me, [Y/N]."

Just a few moments after Hanji left, Commander Erwin announced, "The priority of this expedition would be to check for survivors in Dauper and Ragako - and since the two villages are quite a distance from each other, we'll be splitting our group into two: I will be heading the group that will go to Ragako, and Levi will lead the group heading to Dauper. Our second priority would be to eliminate the remaining titans. Are there any questions?"

No one raised their hand or said anything, and Commander Erwin nodded solemnly as he said, "Head out!"


The plan was to ride as one group before going our separate ways once we were nearby any one of the two villages, where we will be splitting up into two groups. We have been riding now for about thirty minutes, and so far there were no signs of any titans yet, which was a bit of a relief.

"How far until we reach Dauper, Captain Levi?" I asked the male beside me, who answered promptly, "Less than an hour now. We would be splitting up with Erwin's group soon."

I nodded in response as I focused in front of me again. As time passed the scenery started to change as well, from a vast field into the beginnings of a forest. At this, Commander Erwin fired a green signal flare, which was our cue to split up and to change formation. Erwin's group broke off from ours, skirting around the forest to head to Ragako, while we headed straight into it as we were already in the border of Dauper.

I glanced back and saw Sasha's determined face as we rode through the forest of her village, and I sighed heavily as I attempted to keep up with Captain Levi, who had already begun to ride faster. The forest was unusually quiet - no chirping of birds or anything similar. It was simply eerily silent - as if there were no other life forms but us.

And that's how the sound of another signal flare was evident from behind us. We briefly glanced back to check for the source and found that it was a red signal flare shot by a cadet somewhere around the outskirts of the tree-line. However, it was followed by a black signal flare, and the next second we could see the outline of two titans, with an aberrant one at that, chasing us through the forest.

Captain Levi muttered something low under his breath, before facing forward and riding faster. Following his lead, we rode faster, occasionally looking back to get a glimpse of the aberrant. When we observed that it wasn't showing signs of slowing down, Captain Levi gave out a one-word command, "Engage."

And that was all we needed.

We swung up from our horses to the nearby branches of the trees, our horses continuously moving along the path. I tried to move as swiftly as I could, before we all swiveled to face the aberrant, preparing to take it down. The aberrant was nearby Jean and Sasha's area, while the other was near Mikasa and Armin's position.

I saw Captain Levi just up ahead, observing the situation as he glanced back at us. The titan neared Mikasa's position, walking almost beside the tree she was standing on, and in the next moment, Mikasa swung down and slashed the titan's nape, making it crash to the ground.

On the other hand, Jean and Sasha looked as though they were having difficulty with the aberrant titan, and I saw Captain Levi head in their direction. He saw that the two were hesitant, and he said in a clipped tone, "Move aside."

Sasha and Jean didn't need to be told twice. They swiftly moved aside and gave way to Captain Levi, who skillfully slashed the aberrant titan's neck, sending it crashing to the ground as well.

"Nice going, captain!" Sasha cheered energetically, to which Captain Levi didn't respond to, as usual. Instead, we all caught up with our horses and rode as we did just a few moments ago.


We reached what seemed to be the town center half an hour of riding later, and just like the forest we passed by, it was eerily quiet. We heard Captain Levi sigh heavily as he said, "The town seems to be deserted, but just in case, spread out and look for survivors. In case you see any titans, use your signal flares. We'll meet back here in an hour," and then he rode off.

"Captain Levi, you-" I started to say but broke off after seeing him already of significant distance from where we were.

How ironic that Captain Levi was the one who left me behind.

Mikasa positioned herself beside me as she asked, "I thought the two of you were supposed to be together?"

"I can't believe Captain Levi just left you behind," Eren added, scratching the back of his head nervously, glancing around the area.

Armin looked worried as he supplied, "I thought the people we were grouped with from the buddy system were supposed to stick together."

I pursed my lips as I answered, "That's what I thought so too. Regardless, he couldn't have gone far off, I'll go chase after him. Be careful, you guys. See you later!" before riding off in the same direction Captain Levi headed off to. I could only hope that I'd be able to find him as soon as possible.

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