Chapter Three: Beast Titan

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[Author's Note]

Hi everyone! Sorry for the late update :( I've recently started cosplaying and yes that's me on the picture above as Historia 😅

Anyways, please do let me know what you thought of this chapter!


"What on earth is that?" Sasha muttered from beside me, and all of us immediately halted upon the sight of a beast-like titan hurling a much smaller titan at Utgard Castle. But what rattled us the most was when we saw soldiers swinging about the castle, fending off the other titans who seemed to be after something inside.

"We need to help them!" Eren cried out, abruptly steering his horse towards Commander Erwin, with Mikasa trailing behind him without hesitation.

"There are civilians inside the castle!" the other cadets frantically followed Eren's lead, staring in horror at the castle ruins. Indeed, there were civilians - they were on the very top of the castle, huddled together in fear as the soldiers below tried their hardest to keep the titans out.

I could see Nanaba's blonde hair as she darted around the ruins, as well as notice how her skills were almost at par with Hanji or Ricco. But even then, it was highly evident that she was struggling, along with other soldiers defending the civilians.

"Commander Erwin, what are we waiting for?" Eren said - almost yelling, but before Commander Erwin could even reply, I was already on my way to the ruins. Without waiting for anyone, I urged my horse to go faster, afraid that we'd be too late. We've already lost a lot of soldiers, and I can't accept the fact that we were going to hesitate when the ones who need help are right in front of us.

I know everyone's probably thinking that I'm an idiot, and of course I'd have to agree.

"[Y/N]! What the hell are you doing?" I heard Captain Levi shout, along with Hanji. I could hear the hooves of both their horses coming for me, and to be honest, it feels like they're actually two of the horsemen of the apocalypse. Or at least, my apocalypse.

Kidding aside, I had the same sentiments, exactly. I wasn't trying to be a hero, but I do know that I'll feel guilty if I didn't do anything to try to save them. Regardless if I get myself killed or not, I'm going to do my best and rescue everyone inside that castle.

I'm not going to run away this time. I'm not going to do the mistake I did with my family years ago.

"Go, [Y/N]! We're right behind you!" I heard Armin call out, and a quick look behind confirmed that everyone followed suit, with Commander Erwin doing his best to catch up to me. I swiftly sent him an apologetic look before I focused once more on what was in front of us.

Of course, not long after, Captain Levi and Hanji easily caught up. They flanked me on both sides and looked as if they wanted to feed me to the titans on the spot. I could hear Commander Erwin shouting out orders and commands, as well as the dispersion of the cadets to their newly assigned positions. I caught the gist of what he's saying - to surround the area, and once we were nearby, assist the fighting soldiers and have Eren transform to battle with the beast titan head on.

"What on earth were you thinking [Y/N], charging in like that?" Hanji asked, their anger evident in their tone. This was the first time that they had talked to me in that manner, regardless that we've only started talking recently. Either way, it didn't sit well with me knowing that I've disappointed them.

"I don't know, I didn't think," I hastily replied as I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment. I mean, it's not as if only the three of us could hear that I'm being reprimanded. And, I didn't intend to get on Hanji's bad side. It's really embarrassing to be scolded by someone you like.

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