[Ch 1]= He thinks I'm just a nerd

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Jimin pov

I walk through the halls of my school towards my locker then open the locker silently and take out my books and turn around adjusting my round glasses.

Oh Hey!! I'm Jimin, Park Jimin. I'm 18 year old and My best friend is Kim Taehyung, I'm also a stripper in a very famous strip club in Seoul well I only dance in that strip club I don't have sex with any unknown person and one more thing everyone make fun of me here in my school but they don't know about me being a stripper nor do I want them to know. They think me as a nerd that's the reason they make fun of and specially my crush Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook.He always insult me and tease him for my height and I just let him do it after all he's my crush but whenever it comes to my height I can lost my control dude.

By the way Jungkook, DAMN he's so hot and handsome, you know? He is the hottest guy in this whole school he doesn't give his attention to someone very easily only to some sexy girls in our school but with that bitches he only do one night stands, yeah you hear me right. I had never seen him dating someone and last thing he isn't straight he is bisexual so some boys also have eyes at him counting me too.

I turn around from my locker to close it until I heard some students screaming and just by their irritation screams it says my Jungkook is here, wait did I just call him mine? My face become flustered by my thoughts and I look down shyly.

"My Jungkookie" I blush but my gaze now move direct at the direction they were screaming to saw Jungkook, my mouth hang open.



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(a/n Without that mask)

I stare at him still gasping not knowing that he approach me with his handsome looks but I didn't realise as I was so lost in his beauty that I even didn't realise him standing close to me now. I come back to world when he hold my chin and shut my hang open mouth. FOR THE FIRST TIME HE FUCKING TOUCHED ME!!

"Don't open you are mouth like that, the mosquito will enter your hot cavern beautiful" he said with his husky voice and walk away with a smirk showing clearly in his lips, I cleared my throat and wait DID HE CALL ME BEAUTIFUL AND MY MOUTH AS A  HOT CAVERN? Ok ok Park Jimin your day is going to much good today but remember, he doesn't like you, he could never. That made my happy mood turn sad but what can I do to make him feel attractive towards me? Seduce him? Aish no.

I sigh and feel eyes on me making me look around to saw all the students looking at me with a intimidating glare thinking I would be scared of their so called intimidating glares.

"Stay away from my Jungkook you nerd" One of the girl said in her fucking high pitch voice surely made me roll my eyes at her.

"He can never like a person like you" other girl said from behind, gosh so annoying.

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