[Ch 12]= Forgiveness

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"Now your career is in danger my friend" jisoo said and look at the area the deep voice come from.

"Well done, Taehyung" Jisoo said to Taehyung who smirk and come near lisa.

He show his phone to her making lisa confused

"You know what? All the things that you did till now is recorded in my phone, Miss Slut" Taehyung said and laugh out louder

"W-What d-do y-you m-mean?" Lisa asked scared, jisoo come beside Taehyung with a smirk.

"Yes, Your trap for jimin, you almost killed me by pushing me from the rooftop and that is also a crime and you doing the same thing to fool your parents, Now your this video will be send to the principal also your parents, I'm sure now you are the one who will get kick out from the school also your parents never goona trust you again....Thanks to Taehyung who help me for this plan" Jisoo explain her with a smug.

"What the fuck are you saying?? How could you betray me with our enemy??" Lisa said to jisoo with very scared look, Taehyung give her a glare also did jisoo

"Everyone is enemy for you isn't it? He isn't my enemy, He is my friend" jisoo state, Taehyung immediately click the send button and smirk proudly.

"Now your video is send to our principal and also I emailed your parents this video" Taehyung state giving high five to jisoo.

Lisa drop the pole she was holding it and gulp hard

Jungkook walk towards them with a smirk

"This is what you deserve slut" Jungkook said to lisa and then hug Taehyung

"Thank you so much bro" he thank him and pull back with a smile, lisa have nothing to say she run away from there with terrified look, everyone burst into laughter by seeing her like that.

"Don't thank me, Thank her" Taehyung said pointing towards jisoo who only smile

"Oh yeah Thanks sis, You help me so much" he said to her politely jisoo shook her head and return the smile

"Welcome Jungkook but now you should go to meet jimin, he needs you" jisoo state getting a nod from Taehyung also Jungkook

"Yes you're right, but I said to much to him-

"He will forgive you" Taehyung state patting his shoulder Jungkook look down in shame and nod

"I'm such an idiot" Jungkook said looking down regretting for the words he said to jimin

"Yes you are" Taehyung and jisoo state together making Jungkook chuckle

"Ok guys I should still go, Thanks again" he said looking up to them and smile hiding his tears inside, they return the smile and nod.

Jungkook left immediately, taehyung and jisoo stare at him going then look at eachother.

"Good job" jisoo said to Taehyung who give her a thumbs up.

"You too" he said

"Yeah, tf I would have die if Jungkook didn't hold my wrist" she state touching her chest gasping, Taehyung only nod

"Ok bye bitch I have work to do" Taehyung said to jisoo walking away jisoo glare at me from behind.

"Bye Idiot" she said to also walk away from him


Jungkook reach jimin's house and was standing outside the door having no courage to ring the bell has he wasn't sure if jimin will forgive him after what he did.

He wipe his tears and finally ring the bell with terrified eyes

First 2 minutes the door didn't open, Jungkook again ring the well and hear a "coming" from no other then jimin.

Just the door open and Jungkook look down immediately has he wasn't ready to look at jimin, and there jimin froze at his place when he saw Jungkook in front of his door.

"J-ju-jungkook?" Jimin mumble gulping hard, Jungkook take a deep breath and look up direct in jimin's eyes that low his courage and he look away immediately making jimin mad.

"Why are you here? And why do you look away? Look at me" jimin said a bit madly to Jungkook who look down.

"S-sorry" Jungkook whisper lightly, tears start forming in jimin's eyes as he come closer to him.

"Say again" he said with a mad face and watery eyes.

"Sorry jimin, I didn't trust you" Jungkook said a bit louder with a cracked voice thinking that jimin won't forgive him

"Again" jimin demand madly as he want Jungkook to say sorry for everything after all it really hurt him, He thought that Jungkook can trust him but he didn't and in relationship people should trust eachother, Jungkook understand what he mean and he finally look at jimin's eyes with teary eyes.

"Sorry, I'm so sorry for everything, I should have trust you also listen to you but I was just so broken that's why i can't, Sorry for my curses words, You aren't a whore, You're an angel, I'm the whore here.....I even push you, push me back, say every curse word I said to you, I'm such a bad boyfriend....But please forgive me, I- I promise I will trust you, I'm so sorry baby" Jungkook said staring at him, jimin get emotional and immediately hug Jungkook tightly crying in his chest.

"I fo-forgive y-ou" jimin stutter sobbing in his chest, Jungkook hug him back and cry silently while caressing his hair.

"Sorry jimin" Jungkook again said pulling away from the hug and wipe jimin's tear also his own, jimin shook his head and smile.

"Forget it, We are again together" jimin said smiling making Jungkook return the smile.

"Let's go inside" jimin said getting a small nod from Jungkook.

They both walk inside and close the door behind, Jungkook sit at his couch and made jimin sit in his lap, jimin giggle and wrap his arms around Jungkook's neck.

"Btw kook, who was behind this?" Jimin asked

"It was a whore named Lisa" Jungkook reply making jimin's eyes widen

"Means jisoo w-was right?" He mumble sadly as he said her curse word when she was trying to help him.

"How do you know that?" Jimin ask Jungkook who sigh

"After the school finished, I reach the rooftop to hear them talking about this that when I hear that it was lisa who plan everything to make us break up so she can be my girlfriend" Jungkook explain rolling his eyes with a annoyed face.

"The fuck, I'm gonna kill her!!!" Jimin yell angrily

"Don't worry she is already going to die tomorrow" Jungkook said smirking making jimin confused.

"What you mean?" Jimin asked but Jungkook shook his head.

"Wait for tomorrow baby, It's a good news for you and me" he said and smile

"Till then what should we do?" Jimin ask pouting

"Till then let's have sex" Jungkook state getting a hit in his chest from jimin

"God, you want to have sex with me everyday don't you?" Jimin ask with a frown but Jungkook nod getting another hit in his chest.

"Baby I can't control, you're so delicious and that tight hol-" before Jungkook can complete his sentence jimin pull him closer by his collar.

"Shut up and fuck me already"

–To be continued

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