[Ch 10]= Crying for him

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Taehyung pov
(At school)

Today I come to school a bit earlier because I really need to find out who's behind this, as jimin's story I guess it's lisa or that boy who come to jimin when he was almost unconscious but the problem is Jimin hadn't seen that boy bcz his eyes were blurry that time So, we don't know who actually that boy is. And lisa, why she want to do friendship with him? But she already left before jimin start feeling weak but also he said he started feeling dizzy after drinking that drink which lisa brought, but I can't blame anyone without any proof.

Jimin had been crying from night till he fall asleep I was there with him as he need someone with him, he isn't school yet as I told you I'm early, There are not to many students an-.... wait.

Is that jisoo and Jennie? The members of lisa's whatever group. I am sure they know something about this, And if they didn't say anything I'm goona cut their heads off.

I approach them with a serious look

"Hey" I said they both turn around and saw me

"I'm sure you both know about jimin and Jungkook's break up" I ask them serious they both look at each other and nod

"I know there is someone behind this tell me Is this your fucking leader lisa?" I ask giving them a very serious look.

They both again look at eachother like what the fuck? Can't they say anything without looking at eachother.

"No ways, it's jimin who ditch jung-

"Listen I know him very well he can't ditch him, He loves Jungkook" I said madly to Jennie who roll her eyes.

"Love my ass and Lisa is not behind this" Jennie said with a straight face but one thing I notice is jisoo wasn't looking up.

"Why are you looking down? Look up and tell me honestly bitch" I said madly to jisoo who look up and then at Jennie

There is something going in her mind for sure!!

"Y-yes l-lisa isn't behind their b-breakup" she said stuttering I give both of them a warning glare.

"Excuse me!! When we said she had done nothing then you better believe it and it's jimin fault, He is the slut here" Jennie said with her fucking attitude I really want to break her face but as my rules, I don't beat girls.

"Fuck off before I slap you hard Jennie" I said angrily she look away and hold jisoo hand dragging jisoo with her somewhere I don't even want to know.

I grab my hair in frustration just damn it dude

Jimin really love Jungkook and I don't know what he gonna do if this thing keep happening.

I started walking towards the hall till I bumped with someone very hard that we both fall at the ground

I hissed rubbing my hands and look up to saw that same bitch jisoo

"You blind?" I ask disgust she didn't say anything and walk away I stare at her going and then look at the area where she fall to find a small paper laying there

I stand up and take the paper

"Is this for me?" I ask myself and open it

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