[Ch 8]= That bitch is jealous

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Author Pov

(It's the day of kai birthday)

Jimin and Jungkook were sleeping while cuddling with each other after watching a movie.

After they come at Jungkook's home yesterday from school, jimin decided to watch movie with Jungkook but jungkook choose horror because he knew jimin hates horror and he gonna hold Jungkook tightly if they watch horror.

So you know Why he choose horror~

Jungkook open his eyes and yawn then his eyes land on jimin who was looking like a beautiful fallen angel in his arms.

A smile come towards his lips as he close his eyes feeling so happy to have this angel

He was sure that he have feelings for him

How? He talk about his feelings to his brother who was very shock but said that you are in love with this boy.

"Baby wake up" Jungkook said softly but only receive a groan from jimin

"Stop groaning and wake up sweetie" Jungkook said caressing his hairs.

"Just one more minute" jimin said groaning cutely making Jungkook sigh

"Ok then" he sigh for the second time

Till one minute he play with jimin's soft hair strands.

"Ok one minute is over now" Jungkook said making jimin whine

"One mor-

"Nooo" Jungkook cut jimin's sentence by saying no to him very clearly like a rude boss.

"Ok ok I'm awake" Jimin said pouting, Jungkook peck that pout and suddenly pick him up in a bridal style

"What are you doing kookie?" Jimin ask with flustered cheeks

"Taking you for a shower with me" Jungkook said chuckling

Time skip~ (a/n tbh I feel sleepy)

It was lunch break and taehyung jimin also Jungkook were sitting together laughing and having fun like they were best buddies.

Jimin and Jungkook were looking so cute together that made all the students shock as they can't believe how perfect they were looking together, it was unbelievable.

Some girls and boys even decided to friendship with jimin as now Jungkook is his bf so basically they don't want to be bad in front of him. 

No one was complaining about their relationship bcz they both were just looking so cute together that no one could say something.

But black kittens leader was in another world not liking a single thing

"Look at how close that fucker is sitting with my Jungkook" lisa said to her group while glaring at the couple who was giggling together.

Jisoo look up from her food and saw the couple she sigh and look at lisa.

"Come on lisa, Look at how happy they are together let them be happy" jisoo said politely

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