[Ch 4]= Am I really nothing to him?

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Jimin throw himself in his bed looking at the celing blankly

"Is Taehyung right?" He ask to himself

"Am I really nothing to him? Did he only gonna use me?" He ask to himself again feeling totally blank and had no emotions.


Jimin was telling everything happen between him and Jungkook to Taehyung while walking towards their houses.

Taehyung stop and look at him with widen eyes.

"You got his number?" He ask shocked getting a slight nod from jimin with a smile shows clearly in his lips that made Taehyung upset.

"J-Jimin" he whisper a little sadly not wanting to speak but he still needs too jimin reply with a hmm.

"Do you really like him?" He asked Jimin who nod immediately.

"No I mean you like him with your whole heart or you like him just like that gir-

"No ways taetae that girls only want him cuz he is rich and also very famous plus handsome but i don't like him because he is rich,famous nor handsome. I like him because.....I don't know just there is something on him that make me attract towards him" he said thinking about Jungkook with a smile paste on his lips beautifully.

"J-Jimin he knows that you are stripper ryt?" He ask jimin who give a small nod with confused look.

"I am sorry chimmy I don't wana disappoint you but what I am saying could be true not sure but maybe" he state making jimin raise his eyebrows at him.

"You know he never date anyone also never like anyone?" He ask gulping hard as he really don't want to disappoint him, jimin nod again agreeing with him.

"I'm sure he wants you, Not you actually your body" Taehyung said sadly jimin give him a frown

"What do you mean by that?"

"Ok tell me before he didn't know that you are a stripper did he give you any type of attention?" He ask Jimin who shook his head as a no.

"He make fun of you like everyone here call you a nerd, ugly, shorty and bla bla" he state making jimin nod again. 

"Did he lay a finger on you before?" He ask Jimin who again shook his head as a no.

"But after he saw how sexy and hot you look after school what happen then?" He asked staring at jimin who got totally blank and gulp.

"H-he give me attention then s-stop making f-fun of me also he kissed m-me and now give me his n-number " jimin stutter understanding a little bit what tae is trying to say.

"You don't know Jimin but I know his family more good then you cuz my parents company and his parents company work together sometimes so, I had meet his family many times and-

"Wait!! You both are friends and you don't even tell me?" Jimin ask shocked staring back to Taehyung who immediately shook his head.

"No,We are not friends I had been to his family house but he has a different house he lives alone and Jungkook don't even know that I come to his family house cuz he visite his family so often so basically he didn't know what is happening in his own family" Taehyung said calmly making jimin nod in agreement.

"So Jungkook didn't know about you visiting his house?" Jimin ask getting a small nod from Taehyung.

"Ok first listen to me, Me and his brother are really good friends he told me about Jungkook"

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