[Ch 6]= Will you date me?

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Next morning~

Author Pov

Jimin slowly slowly start opening his eyes he try to stretch his arms but something hit him.

He look up to saw him cuddling with Jungkook and Jungkook's arms were holding his waist

"Woah I thought people left before you wake up in one night stands" he said still looking at Jungkook.

"I guess he is tired that's why he is still here in bed" jimin mumble and yawn.

That's when Jungkook groaned and push jimin close to him that made jimin hit his chest

He froze and look up at him
"Wake up Jungkook" he said but only receive a groan from him

He try to remove his arms from his waist but Jungkook growl in angry that made jimin stop and look at him blankly.

Jungkook hide his face at jimin's neck and sleep peacefully but jimin who was fighting with himself, don't know what to do


"Shut up and sleep" Jungkook reply madly as jimin was disturbing his best sleep he ever had.

"Ok sleep but le-" he wiggle around to get out from his hold but Jungkook is Jungkook he hold him tightly not letting him go cuz jimin is the reason why he is having a best sleep.

"Don't move nah sleep with me" he whine jimin pout as he isn't sleepy anymore

"But I'm not sleepy" he reply Jungkook whine and finally open his eyes

"Good morning" jimin give him a nervous smile Jungkook returns the smile. 

"Good morning sweetheart" he reply making jimin blush

"Ok I should leave now" he said and manage to get up somehow but Jungkook hold his wrist and pull him back again at his arms

"Why so soon? Stay please" Jungkook pout jimin give him a confuse look

"I don't know too much about one night stands but I guess that people wake up and leave not stay" jimin said looking at him, Jungkook face become pale he look at jimin blankly.

"Jimin? You think we did one night stand?" He ask getting a nod for jimin as what else it can be?.

"What else it can be? You only do one night stands" he said to Jungkook close his eyes for a while and open it looking at jimin, admiring his beautiful feathers.

"Jimin?Can I ask you something?" He ask staring deel inside his eyes, Jimin nod politely Jungkook pull jimin close to him.

"Will you date me?" He whisper near his ears that made jimin's eyes widen like the eye balls were going to come out from their sockets that much widen and he directly look at his eyes.

"W-What a-are y-you s-saying?" He ask stuttering Jungkook chuckle and come more close to his ear

"Will you date your daddy, babyboy?" He again whisper but this time adding some hot breath.

"But you never date someone" jimin said still so fucking shocked.

"I never date anyone bcz I never like anyone but I like you" he said and pull away from his ear now jimin was going to faint from how much shock he was by all that words Jungkook said.

"You-....you l-li....like me?" He ask shocked but get more shocked when Jungkook give him a small nod.

"So my sexy boy I'm asking again" he said and again got closer but this time towards his lips not ears

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