[Ch 2]= He found out that I'm a stripper

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(Still Jungkook pov)

"J-Jimin?" my eyes get widen when I saw that nerd dancing so sexily in the stage.

"Oh yeah he is Jimin you know, He is very popular here he dance so sexily and even his expressions are so seductive that everyone dies here just to wait for him to perform, All the boys and girls want him so badly but there bad they can't, Look at his body just so perfect" the girl who was with me said I listen to her very carefully while looking at him and she was right, The way he way he thrust his hips throwing his body on the floor then biting and licking his lips while looking at the audience with lustful eyes.

And damn look at him, He is wearing a transparent designer white top with ripped light blue jeans and because he is sweating that is making his fucking abs visible

Fuck it...I'm already hard because of him

"Go from here" I said to that girl still staring at the fuckable boy she look at me confused

"But we didn't have se-

"I don't want to have sex with you so fuck off slut" I said rudely not taking out my eyes from him and his body, She left without saying anything and I just stare at jimin.

He suddenly put his hand on his neck rubbing while giving a moaning look

"Ahh!! Look at that boy bro Isn't he so sexy like I want to fuc-

"Shut up you don't even know him" I said annoyed

"Like you know him very well" Suga hyung scoff

"He is a nerd in my school" I said expressionless as I still can't believe that he is a stripper and not any loyal one but the best stripper I had watched till now.

"Do you know the meaning of nerd? Look at him from which angle he looks like a nerd?" suga hyung ask with a frown

"That's why I'm shocked hyung he always wear a glass and never open it like a nerd and also behave like a nerd in school but look I- I don't have words" I said and drink my wine emotionless

"I too don't have words" he said I put the glass in the table and turn around

I don't want to stay here one more second

"Hey Wher-

"Home" I reply and left that club

I get inside the car still thinking about Jimin and how hot he was looking

"A fucking nerd to a sexy stripper" I mumble not believing what my eyes just saw.

I remember his visible abs well I didn't expect him to have abs but..... speechless

I try to remove him from my mind but the dance, his body, his expressions and many more things about him couldn't let me remove him from my fucking mind.

Looks like you got my attention park jimin

I reach my home and park the car then directly walk towards my room

After I get inside my room I take a shower and then left for bed

~Next morning~

Author Pov

(At luchbreak)

Jimin and taehyung was eating their lunch at the cafeteria while talking about some random stuffs

That's when Jungkook enter inside the cafeteria gaining everyone's attention expect jimin as he was busy talking with tae jungkook ignore other students gaze and approach jimin's table

He stand in front of him jimin feel someone beside him so he look up to see Jungkook dark gaze at him

Without saying anything Jungkook grip jimin's wrist and start dragging him outside the cafeteria gaining gasp from everyone including jimin too .

"W-where a-are y-you t-taking me?" Jimin ask stuttering Jungkook didn't reply and just drag him.

"I am asking you"




"School Rooftop?"

"GIVE ME A REPLY" he shout but Jungkook still didn't say anything Jungkook open the door of their school rooftop and close the door behind him.

He press Jimin against the wall and put his both hands beside his shoulders they both make eye contact with eachother.

"You are a stripper right?" he ask with his dark deep voice jimin's eyes got widen like plates after hearing the words the got out from his mouth.

"H-ho-how d-do y-you know?" He ask while stuttering and looking at him a bit scared

Jungkook chuckle and lean closer to his face their lips were 5 inches away from each other surely made jimin lost himself.

"Yesterday I saw you dancing at that strip club while giving sexy expressions" he said a bit seductively jimin gulp and look down immediately. 

"Look up babyboy" Jungkook said with a smirk dancing on his lips jimin blush at the nickname and look up slowly after all who's gonna ignore their crush? Not him. 

"So you are really a stripper huh" he ask again, Jimin nod hesitantly.

"But please don't tell anyone please" he plead him making Jungkook chuckle and he show him a mischievous smirk.

"What if I told everyone?" he scoff making jimin scared because he don't want anyone to know about it.

"Everyone will start bullying me" he said making Jungkook look at him his raised eyebrows.

"Why that so?" He ask raising his eyebrows at him

"Mostly people don't like strippers" he said blankly getting a understanding nod from Jungkook.

"Ok I won't tell anyone but tell me one thing" Jungkook speak up staring deep inside his eyes, jimin cleared his throat and stare back at him.

"What?" He ask

"Did you only dance at the strip club or did you also have sex with-

"I only dance their nothing else" he said immediately cutting Jungkook sentence, Jungkook mentally smirk and nod his head.

"So you are virgin?" Jungkook ask
jimin's eyes get widen and he look down blushing as he didn't expect him to ask this question he give him a light nod that make Jungkook smirk more.

"Don't worry babyboy you will lose your virginity soon" Jungkook said to himself while looking at him with desire eyes.

While Jungkook was busy staring at jimin's beautiful eyes Jimin slide down a little and get out from his hold he opens the door immediately and run away blushing hard.

Jungkook just stay there then look at the direction from where he left and chuckle mischievously

"Run away for now but you won't able to run away from your daddy in future babyboy"

–To me continued

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Bye 💜

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