[Ch 5]= Not virgin anymore

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Next morning~

Author Pov

It's 9 am and jimin was eating his breakfast till he receive a message from Jungkook, he stop eating and glance at the message then smile immediately opening the chat.

When you will come?

Good morning to you too 🙄


Yeah yeah morning morning, Now tell me the time when you will come

Evening? Around 7 pm?



Bye ;)

Jimin giggle and shook his head

"Let's rest for now there is so much time left till evening" he said

~Time skip~

(At 7 pm)

*DING DONG* (Jungkook's tone "dInG dOnG :)))

Jimin pov

I ring the bell and wait for someone to open the door like really his house is so big.

He live alone here in this big house? Don't he feel scared?What if there is a ghost living under his house? I had seen in movies the ghosts mostly enters big houses just like his one. What if there is a doll like Annabelle? Ok I'm leaving. I turn around to leave already but till then the door open.

"Where are you going? You didn't even enter the house and already leaving" I hear jungkook's voice behind me, I stop and turn back with a nervous smile.

"Come" he said and give me some space to entry I come inside and look around

Wow dude, he got a really nice house also good for ghosts because I had seen this type of house got ghosts for sure.

"You got a really nice house but is there any dolls or do you feel any paranormal activities or hear any sound in your house?" I asked staring at him with seriousness, I look at him but suddenly give me a shocked look.

"I don't have any dolls, I don't feel any paranormal activities but I hear some sounds in my bed room sometimes" he said giving me fearful eyes, I shiver from fear and turn around towards the door.

"I don't know you, bye" I say it loud already walking out but he giggle and pull me back.

"That sounds are my moans when I masturbate myself stupid" My face become pale as I heard what he said, I ALMOST GOT A HEART ATTACK AND THIS IS A JOKE TO HIM?

"Ok then" I act normal giving him a smile and he laugh then nod his head at me.

"Let's sit there" he point towards the couch I nod and we both walk straight to couch

We both sit at the couch with a awkward silence

"So no glasses today?" Jungkook ask breaking the silence between them.

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