[Ch 3]= First Kiss

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Jimin pov

I run through the halls towards the cafeteria and look back to saw nothing I stop outside the cafeteria and sigh

I look down blushing, What just happened??

He found out that I'm stripper but he didn't make fun of me instead he literally, Omg He was so close to me!! Fuck!! I'm so happy!!

I walk inside the cafeteria and saw everyone looking at me like I just killed someone

"Where did he take you?" A girl ask while folding her arms around her chest, I raise my eyebrows at them.

"And why should I tell y'all?" I said coldly getting more stares at me but do you think I care? No, not at all.

"You need to tell us, What happen between you two?" Other bitch

"He didn't kiss you right?" Fuck it can't they just let me live my life

"Tell us what happen!!" Godd save me

"Wait Did he like you?" I hear a bitchy voice behind me I turn around to see lisa and her fucking group named black kittens

"Are you guys dating?" Rose ask she is also the member of that black kittens or whatever

"Shut up look at him he is a ugly nerd even I don't like him so why Jungkook will?" lisa state while giving me a disgusted look, I scoff.

"Stay away from my Jungkook" She said and smirk

"Or we will made you stay away from him" She said futher

"Oh really? What will you do huh?" I ask her sarcastically she give me a intimidating glare puting her hands on her hips thinking it would scared me, Although she was failing.

"You don't know who I am" she said I roll my eyes at her bitchy attitude.

"You are lisa, leader of black kittens, Jungkook and you had hook up before and you think you're are the sexiest girl here, So What? You are still a slut" I said giving her a *fuck off* look she gasp and look at me still with that nasty glare.

"How dare you say her slut?" The girls behind me said

"Leave it guys he is a fucking nerd don't worry I know Jungkook, He can't like someone like him" She said to all the students here I turn around to saw everyone nodding then giving me a disgusting look

"Yes lisa you are right he don't have any class Just Eewww" again this bitches

"Like you got a really good class huh" I mumble sarcastically.

"Excuse me I'm done with your shits leave him or I will kill you all" I hear a voice beside me I turn around to see taehyung with a mad face I smile

I love you my soulmateieeee.

"Oh look someone is here to protect this fucking ner-

"Huh? You are saying me? The girl who can't even punch properly" Taehyung said I chuckle

He is right tho



"Listen you both stay away from Jungkook and black kittens or we will beat you both to death" one of the boy said while giving us a glare

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