[Ch 9]= It's a trap

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Author Pov

Jungkook and taehyung come at the bar while laughing with eachother

Jungkook look around to find jimin no where.

"Where is minie?" Jungkook ask searching for him

"Maybe dancing in the disco" Taehyung said
(a/n dIsCo oVeRlOad I'm iNtO tHat aM gOoD tO gO~ ..sorry:))

"Ok then let's go" Jungkook said turning towards the dance floor but Taehyung stop him by his wrist.

"Nah leave it Just seat here and order some drink, he will come soon" Taehyung said sitting and order for himself normally.


"Come on I know him he loves to dance so he is just chilling, let him chill dude come and have a drink bro" Taehyung said Jungkook look at the dancing floor from far away and sigh nodding his head at tae.

"Ok then" he said and seat beside Taehyung ordering something for himself

After 20 minutes~

Some girls come to dance with Taehyung so he left Jungkook and go to dance with them.

Jungkook was drinking his wine while waiting for jimin

" It's been 20 minutes where the hell minie is?" He said to himself and get up from his chair putting the empty glass at the table

He approach the dance floor to find jimin isn't here. 

"If he isn't here then where he is?" He ask to himself totally lost.

That's when lisa appear and patt Jungkook's shoulder.

Jungkook turn to saw lisa standing there looking sorry for something he doesn't now

"What?" He ask not in so good way

"You have to come with me" lisa said giving him a sorry look Jungkook frown

"Why? And where?" Jungkook ask

"You have to see it from your own eyes, I feel bad for you" she said sadly Jungkook give her a confused look

"What you mean?" He ask she just hold his wrist and drag him towards the second floor where all the private rooms were there

"What the heck? Why we are here?" He ask annoyed, lisa stopped in front of a room door then she look at Jungkook with sadness

"Open this door, You're heart gonna break into pieces" Lisa said Jungkook heart stared pounding fast in nervousness just by hearing her words.

"W-why?" He ask stuttering looking all nervous.

"Just open and see" lisa said

Jungkook take a deep breath and hold the door knob then open it very slowly. 

Lisa back away and let Jungkook get inside, she stand outside.

Jungkook come inside to saw the lights off, he turn the switch on and the moment he look at the room his heart stopped beating.

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