Party guy

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"c'mon y/n we're gonna be late!" my best friend Kira shouts from downstairs.
We've been inseparable since kids and we've been there for each other on our worst days and on our best days.

Tonight we're going to her sister's party and I'm beyond excited because I haven't gone to a party in three months, and believe me when I say that I REALLY MISS shouting and dancing in a room full of drunk people.

"okay, okay I'm ready" I tell her as I walk to the front door of our shared flat.

We call an Uber and ten minutes later, we're on the road.
The ride is longer than I thought it'd be, and by the time we arrive, it's 9:00 p.m.

The house is bigger than I expected, and it is already full of people. Some of them have had way too many drinks and others, are dancing while listening to the loud music in the living room or upstairs.

We go to the kitchen. Which is surprisingly empty. We grab two cups and as Kira is pouring some strange pink liquid in them, she says:

"Hey y/n, I'm gonna go say hi to my sister, I'll be right back, okay?"
"yeah sure, I'll stay here. We both know that I always get lost in these parties" we laugh remembering the time when the two of us got lost for two hours.
Ten seconds later, she is out of sight.

I take a sip of the liquid and it is actually really tasty.
From the kitchen, I can still hear the music so I close my eyes and start moving my hips to the rhythm.
"Nice party, huh?" a male voice says beside me. I open up my eyes immediately and I feel my cheeks burning. I'm so embarrassed someone caught me dancing. I bet my face looks like a tomato.
I turn my head to face the boy. He is really handsome and hot at the same time. His brown eyes seem full of light and his brunette curls are falling into place like dominos.

"yeah, I guess" I reply shyly moving a strand of my hair behind my ear. I see him staring at me and then he suddenly smiles. I didn't realize his lips are so tiny, but somehow it makes him look even more attractive.
"I'm Tom Holland by the way" he says. I didn't notice until now about his British accent. He is literally perfect.
"I'm Y/n Roberts, nice to meet you" I tell him.

I saw he was opening his mouth to say something, but before he started talking, I needed to ask him something.

"Can I ask you something Tom?"
"sure you can, y/n" he replied with a smirk on his face.
I can't believe he smirked at me.
I take a deep breath before saying:
"Did you see me dancing when you walked in?" he chuckles. "If by dancing you mean those weird movements I saw you doing, then yes, I did see them."
Oh my god. I feel my face burning and I turn my head down to look at the floor, being way too nervous to say anything to him.
I know I'm not the best dancer in the whole world, and that's why I normally only dance in crowded spaces, where no one will focus on me.

I feel a warm finger on my chin, making my head to look upwards. Tom is touching my face and he looks sad?

"I'm sorry y/n. I didn't mean that you're bad at dancing. In fact, before you asked me that question, I was going to ask you to dance with me. You're not a bad dancer, the truth is that you are pretty adorable while dancing."

Did he call me adorable??

"Y-you want to dance with me?" he's thumb is still placed on my chin.
"I'd love to." He answers as he brushes my warm cheek.
I nod at his answer.
He grabs my wrist and leads us to the living room. Then, I feel his arms wrapping around my waist. My belly is full of butterflies.
I put my arms around his neck and we start dancing.

I have to admit that I'm impressed by him. I hadn't seen how tall he was until now and believe me when I say that this night is getting better and better.
After a while, he looks at me right in the eyes. I do the same and in a matter of seconds, his forehead is touching mine.
We're so close I can feel his breath on my face.

I see him staring at my lips and then back at my eyes. I want to kiss him so bad.
In a fast move, he pressed his soft lips on mine and we start kissing.
This is the best party ever.

When our lips disconnect from each other, my head goes back to Kira. I bet she's looking for me everywhere.
"Tom I gotta go" I tell him as he frowns in confusion.
"Did I do something wrong?" what?! of course he did nothing wrong, to be honest I really enjoyed it to be fair.
"Tom no, I really liked it, but I just remembered that my friend must be going crazy looking for me" I say, chuckling a little, causing a smile to appear on his face.
"Alright, but c-can I see you again? I mean
i-if you want, I can give you my number? " he asks as he rubs the back of his neck.
He wants us to meet again.
"yeah that would be nice" he gives me his phone and I type my phone number in his contacts list.
"see you soon, darling" he says as I start walking away.
"see you soon, Tommy" I blush a lot, even though he can't see me anymore. I smile as I hear a chuckle coming out of his mouth when I call his Tommy.

I go back to the kitchen and I can't believe what I see, Kira.
Tonight is my lucky night.

Tom Holland ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now