1st of June

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author's note: can't believe Tom's 25💫

Tom's pov

I can't believe today is my 25th birthday, it's insane. I always stay up until 00:00 to begin my birth day, but this year I couldn't since yesterday it was a really hard day at work. Right now it's 9:00 and I have just woken up. I grab my phone from my night table and start looking at all the birthday wishes I get. But there's one missing. Where's Y/n message?

Y/n and I have been best friends for as long as I can remember, and she's always congratulated me for my birthday at 00:00 so she was the first one before anyone. But this year she hasn't done that. Why?

About a year and a half ago, we went together to a beach party, and as we were both swimming in the water, she saw a jellyfish and quickly came to me and hugged me. I immediately wrapped my arms around her as her legs did the same around my waist. I could see the fear in her eyes, but as soon as they looked at mine, her whole face expression calmed down. We stared at each other's eyes for a while, and that let me take time to admire her beautiful features. She's gorgeous. That's when I realised I liked her as more than a friend. I've always thought she was pretty, but that day, with our faces so close to the other's, it just felt right, as if it was where we belonged.

I haven't told her yet about my feelings towards her, and I'm not planning on doing it soon either. What if she doesn't feel the same way about me? Our friendship would be destroyed. And believe me, I'm planning on sticking with her until my body can't.

I get up from my bed, and head to the kitchen. I get a cup of tea and make some toast for breakfast. Once I'm done, I get dressed and message Y/n to ask her if she wants to hangout.

            1st of June

Tom: Good morning darling <3

Y/n👸🏻: hello tommy :)

Tom: Are you up to go somewhere?

Y/n👸🏻: not really, I have to finish some work stuff today. Maybe tomorrow?

Tom: But today we should do something, shouldn't we?

Y/n👸🏻: Tom I've told you, I've more important things to worry about today.

Tom: Are you serious, Y/n?

Y/n👸🏻: yes.

She's forgotten about my birthday? My Y/n's forgotten about me? Unbelievable.

I feel a lump in my throat. I feel awful. How can she forget something as important as my birthday?

I grab my keys, my cap and get out of my house. I'm going there, I have to see her.
Once I'm on my way to her house, my mind starts overthinking. Can't she see that today is the 1st of June? We've always celebrate this day going out somewhere where we can have a lot of fun. Doesn't she care about me anymore? Now I know that she doesn't officially doesn't like me back. All these years of friendship and now she forgets about the only thing she had to remember?!

When I arrive at her apartment, my feelings are a mix of sadness and disappointment. I'm trying not to let a tear fall from the corner of my eye.
Before I get to knock on her door, I hear voices coming from inside.

"Y/n you have to wear that dress, he'll love it" that's Maddie, Y/n's best friend.
"But what if he doesn't? I like him a lot." I hear Y/n.
In that instant, I walk back to my car. The tears are already falling down my eyes but I don't care anymore.

She's never gonna like me back. She likes another guy. That's why she declined my offer of doing something today, on my birthday. Because she has a date with god knows who!
And even Maddie was there, in her apartment.
What a shit. How could I be so blind to think that Y/n could ever have feelings for me? She must think about me as part of her family.
This is the worst day ever.
First she forgets about my birthday and now she breaks my heart. F***ing perfect.

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