I think I kinda you know

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Peter and I, have been dating for almost six months now, and between you and me, I think I love him. We haven't said these three words yet, but the other day, he did something that made me feel like home. Like if he were my home. That's when I realised that I'm ready to tell him I love him.


My boyfriend and I, are currently cuddled up on my bed while we're watching Star Wars. This is his favourite movie, and so it has also become mine too. When we're halfway through it, I feel tired and readjust myself over Peter, so my head is on his chest and my arm is around his torso. He places his hand on my waist, which I find very cute and comforting.

"you're falling asleep, honey" he whispers in my ear. I just shake my head to show him that I'm not, but internally, I'm already counting stars to fall asleep.

"don't worry, if you want you can take a nap. I don't mind. I'll wake you up as soon as the movie ends" I give him a little nod and close my eyes.

I thought I would fall asleep sooner, but I've been trying to sleep for the past three minutes and I can't. Why can't my body let me have some very needed sleep?

I take a deep breath, and try to drift off to a long nap. Just as I do that, I feel Peter's hand massaging my hair and placing a strand of it behind my ear. He thinks I'm sleeping and still he is doing this, he's the cutest. Wait, I think he's talking.

"Sweet dreams, love of my life. I wish we could stay like this forever" this sentence leaves his mouth like the lowest whisper sigh I've ever heard.

He said I'm the love of his life. I think I'm in love with him.

~end of flashback~

Today, Peter is coming over to hang out, and I'm gonna tell him how I feel about him. To say that I'm nervous, is an understatement. I feel like my heart is gonna stop or explode in any second, and believe me it is not helping.

I'm scared about what'll happen if he doesn't feel the same way. Will we break our relationship? I hope not. He's the best thing that's happened to me. He's the one that always lights me up in my worst days, and he's also the one that makes me smile every time I think something going wrong.

I decide I'll wear a dress, which I wouldn't normally do since I always wear jeans. I pick a light purple one, with little flowers on it. I put it on and wow. What a change. I feel cute and empowered with it on. Maybe I'll wear more dresses from now on.

I put on some natural makeup, and I put some glossy lipstick on to make my lips look a little sparkly. I'm proud of the result.

My hair is straightened and placed behind my shoulders. Today I look awesomely gorgeous.

As I'm finishing lacing my shoes, Peter knocks on the front door. I fix my hair and my dress, and try to calm myself. I shouldn't be this nervous, it's just Pete at the end of the day.

I grab the handle and open the door with a smile on my face.

"Hey babe" he greets me as he wraps his muscled arms around my waist and kisses my lips softly. Butterflies erupt on my stomach, and that only makes me get even more nervous. I gotta tell him as soon as possible, or otherwise I'll explode.

"Hey Pete, how are you?" I ask him when we pull away. He's wearing a black hoodie with dark blue jeans and his hair is a little messy, which only makes him look cuter than usual.

"I'm fine, by the way darling, you look beautiful" he replies as he stares at me up and down, this makes my cheeks blush. Just what I needed.

"Thanks Peter, you don't look bad either" I tell him jokingly and he places his hand on his heart dramatically while mumbling an ouch.

"I've called you because I wanted to tell you something important" I give him a small smile.
He looks at me confused.

"Should I be worried?" He asks me with a chuckle escaping his mouth. I love that about him, even in situations where the tension can be cut with a knife, he founds a way to make it less awkward.

"No you shouldn't, I guess" I reply as we walk to the couch in the living room. We sit side my side and I take a long deep breath because I know that this is gonna be hard to say. And my nervousness plus my hardness about expressing my feelings, I will probably stutter.

Peter gives me a reassuring smile to let me know that I don't have to worry. As he does it, he also places his hand on my thigh and gives it a little squeeze. God he is adorable.

"Well, I wanted to start this by saying that these past months, have been awesome and the best ones of my life" I say fluently, without stuttering. Amazing. He smiles and nods his head as if he was saying that he feels the same about these past weeks.

"Now that I've said that, I have to tell you something important" I look deeply in his eyes, and he removes his hand from my thigh to place it on my hand. Here I go. This is gonna be a disaster.

"I-I think I kinda..." Am I really doing this? Yes.
"I think I kinda you know...I think I'm in love with you. Wait, no. I am in love with you"

His eyes, never leave mine, and just for a second, I bet I've seen a sparkle in them. The corners of his lips curve upwards, creating the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. I feel all my nerves begin to leave my belly, and I start to relax.

"Are you actually saying what I think you're saying?" He says excitedly looking into my eyes. I nod.

"I guess I'm saying I don't not love you" I mumble still feeling a bit insecure. Peter's fingers lace with mine and I look at him again.

"I love you, darling. With all my heart and all my bones" he whispers loud enough for me to hear it. His eyes are looking so sincerely and purely into mine that I think I'll melt any second.

"I love you, Pete. More than I've ever loved anything" I tell him as I remove a crazy curl from his forehead to its place.

His free hand cups my cheek and starts caressing it. "I love you" he repeats, but this time he's leaning in and his lips are only inches aways from mine. Only leaving a small distance between them.

I don't even have time to reply as his lips are already dancing with mine.

Well, this has gone better than I would have ever expected.

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