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Saying I'm excited, is an understatement.
Today all my friends and I are going to take a plane to fly until we land on Bali. I've been waiting to go on a trip for so long, and finally I'm doing it and with the people I love the most.

Right now, Chloe, Mandy and I are on my white Jeep on our way to the airport. There we will meet Sam, Harry and Tom. To keep you updated, M and H are dating and Chloe has had a crush on Sam since forever. We all have been friends for so long, and they have always made jokes about Tom and I acting like a couple, but we don't do that. We're just comfortable around each other.

After a fifty minute drive, we arrive there. We find the boys on the automatic doors. Harry and Mandy get into a tight hug and I can't help but feel lonely but happy for them. That's when I suddenly feel two hands around my waist and someone is lifting me up from the ground. I look at the hands of whoever this is and when I see his rings, I recognize him. Tom. Who else would it be, huh?

"Tommy let go of me" I tell him as a chuckle escapes through my lips. He doesn't put me down on the pavement, instead he tightens his grip over my waist. "Good morning darling, how'd you sleep?" Tom whispers in my ear. "The truth is that I couldn't sleep much, I was way too nervous for the trip, what about you?" I ask him. "Same as you. Wanna be my sleeping buddy on the plane?" He says as he starts to loosen his grip on my body and my toes touch the ground again.

"Of course I will. That way you will have someone to keep you calm while we're on the air" I tell him with a smile on my face since I know he hates heights and has been scared of them since I can remember. "I'm not afraid of flying, you know that" He tries to convince me. "We'll see about that later Holland"

After almost two hours of checking we had everything in order to get in the plane, we took our seats. I decided to be the one who's closer to the window, just to make sure Tom wouldn't get that place due to his condition with flying. He seats on my right side. Once we have buckled our seatbelts, the wheels of the plane begin to roll. I see the way Tom's body starts to shake, mostly his legs. I can't help but feel bad for him, so I take his hand, and intertwin it with mine. His eyes diverse their direction from the floor to my face.

"You know what? Maybe I'm a bit scared" He laughs as he says that, to ease the tension on his body. I feel his hand getting tighter on mine as the plane gets off the ground and begins to get higher and higher until reaching a point where it only goes straight instead of going up.

Tom doesn't let go of my hand even though the worst part is already gone. I don't complain, he's touch make me feel also safe. "Tommy why don't you try to fall asleep for a while? It's a long flight until we land" I tell him, giving him a reassuring smile which he returns. "Yeah I guess that's a great idea, darling" That nickname will always make my cheeks flush red, so I turn my head to the side and look at the view of the clouds. As I do so, I feel something getting placed on my shoulder, I take a look at my side, just to find Tom's curls almost touching my neck and his eyes being closed trying to rest. I decide to do the same as him and place my head above his. Hopefully we'll wake up in Bali.

The feeling of fingers strocking my hair, makes my eyes open. "We've just landed, did you have a nice sleep?" Tom asks me. "Yes, your head is a very comfortable pillow, Holland" I say. "I can say the same about your shoulder, love" Wait, that is a new nickname. He's never called me that before. Before I can react, Tom has already stood up, grabbed his suitcase and is off the plane.

The car ride to the hotel we're staying at is short but it feels way longer as my mind keeps overthinking about Tom calling me "love". I mean, we are comfortable around each other but just as friends, right? Ugh this is getting complicated.

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