Bad Day

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I have the feeling that today it's gonna be a bad day. I do know that a lot of positive thing can happen, but it's just that my morning hasn't been the best I've ever had.

First of all, when I woke up I literally fell off the bed because I didn't reach my phone to turn the alarm off.

Then, I went to the bathroom to have a shower and guess what, there was no hot water, so I had to freeze while showering.

And last but not least, at my first class, the teacher gave us the marks of our last exam, and I did put an effort to have a good mark, but as I grabbed my exam from his hands, I saw the 4.5 that let me know I suspended.


Right now, it's twelve o'clock, which means that is lunch time.
I go to the table I usually am at, and wait for Tom to come.
Oh yeah, sorry I forgot to tell you about him.
Well, so Tom and I, have been friends for a year now. We met when he came to this town, I had to show him the school and explain to him what his classes were gonna be.

We don't have any classes together, because he is a year older than me, but that doesn't really matter to us.
I've liked him since the first moment my eyes found his. It felt like magic. I saw him opening the director's office door, and I just couldn't stop staring at him.
I'm planning on explaining my feelings for him someday, but just not yet because I have to admit that I would be devastated if he didn't feel the same way about me.

Tom's pov:

As I'm making my way to the table where y/n is, a hand wraps around my wrist and makes me turn to my side. Daisy. The most popular girl in High School but also the most dumb girl in the whole world.

"Hey there Thomas" she thinks that everyone likes her because she has blonde hair and blue eyes. But I don't, I don't like her at all.
"Daisy what do you want?" I ask her before she can say anything else. I just want to with y/n...

"Oh is someone upset today?" she replies with puppy eyes. I can't believe she's flirting with me.
"I asked you something" "Well, I was wondering if you'd like to meet me this afternoon at my house?" I hate the way she winks at me as she talks and the way places her hand on my shoulder.
"I'm sorry but I can't, I have a project to finish before tomorrow" It's a lie. I don't want to go out with her. I just wanna be with one girl though she only sees me as a friend.

"Oh okay, I gotta go but let me know when you're done with your project" she says while placing a kiss on my cheek. What was that for?
I hear her silly friends talking to her about me and when I turn around I see all of them staring at me blushing.
At least she's left me alone.

y/n's pov:

Did she just kissed his cheek?!
Unbelievable, Tom likes Daisy. How could I be so stupid to think that he would think of me as more than just a friend, because that's what I am to him at the end of the day. Just a friend.

"Hello princess" he says as he sits on the table next to me. He calls me princess, and that's one of the things I love the most about him.
"Hello Tommy" I tell him while I look at my nails.
"Is everything alright?" he asks me with a sad face.
"Yes, I haven't had a really good day. I just want to go home and sleep" I tell him the truth. But what I don't tell him is that my heart has just been broken when I saw him with Daisy.
"I know how to make your day a lot better"
I look at him and he's smiling.
"What do you have in mind Holland?"
"Well, I was thinking about you going to my house after classes and there we could spend the rest of the day watching Disney movies" We stay in an uncomfortable silence while I think about it.

I really do want to go to his house, but at the same time I can't forget the scene of him talking to Daisy.
You know what? I'll go. This way, at least I can spend more time with him. And that's what I want and need right now.

"Sounds perfect" I finally tell him.

*time skip*

Classes have finished for today, and now Tom and I are on his sofa, arguing about what movie shall we watch.
I wanna watch The Lady and the Trump, but he wants to watch Onward.
We decide to play Rock Paper or Scissors, and I win.

When we're halfway through the movie, Tom starts playing with my hair.
He's never done this before, so I don't know how to act.
I turn my head in his direction, and he's already looking at me. I can get lost in the beauty of his eyes.
"y/n I really need to tell you something, I thought I could wait, but I really can't" is he going to tell me that he's dating Daisy?

"You can tell me anything Tommy" I smile at him.
"So here I go.... I like you y/n, but not in a friendly way, I like you as more than that. I've felt this way for you since the first day I saw you at the office, wearing your yellow dress with your hair tied up in a ponytail. I don't expect you to say that you feel the same way about me, but I just had to let you know about it because you are everything for me. You are the last thing I think about before I fall asleep and the first one that pops in my head in the morning" I can't help but feel butterflies in my belly.
So he's liked me all this time. He remembers the clothes I was wearing. I am everything he wants. I can't believe it, this is just a lot of information to process and the way he has said it, so slow and delicately. I've loved it.

"I do, I do feel the same way about you Tommy" I tell him looking straight in to his sparkling eyes. "But I need to ask you something" I stop for a second to take a deep breath. "Why did Daisy kiss you today if you like me?" My voice is low and full of sadness. I can feel water starting to appear in the corner of my eyes, but I don't care about it.
"You saw that? I mean, she was just trying to flirt with me. She asked me to hang out with her this afternoon, but I refused because I don't want to waste my time with girls like her. I want to spend my time with you because I just can't get you off my mind" I feel as if a whole weight had just lifted from my shoulders.

He places his warm hand on my cheek, and starts to get closer to me.
Next thing I know, his lips are on mine and it feels good, it feels as if we were made for each other. He is just so perfect and cute.

When our lips separate, he places a soft kiss on my temple and plays the movie again. We spend the rest of the afternoon cuddling and watching Disney Plus.


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