Ball Dance

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Keep in mind this happens in the 19th century.

I'm walking through the paths of my huge laberynth when I stop to sit down on my favourite wood bench that in front of a beautiful golden fountain. Thoughts of prince Thomas and I having dinner last week, float through my mind. We've been dating for three months now and I can't stop thinking of him. He's so charming and gentle... The whole town wants us to be together since he is a prince and I'm also a princess, but that's not the fact why we ended up in a relationship.

We've been friends since I can remember, until last summer, while we were taking a walk through this garden. That's when he stopped walking and turned to face me. He held both my hands in his and looked me deeply in my eyes. Then he shared all the feelings he has towards me and placed a kiss on my cheek. I continued the conversation telling him how I felt when he was with me. And after that, we started going out on little dates 'till at one, he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said didn't deny his offer.

I haven't realized I've been sitting on this bench for a whole hour until my mayordom, approchates me with a letter on his hand.

"Princess Y/n. Prince Thomas Holland has asked me to deliver this letter to you." I give him a small smile before taking the folded paper off his hand. "Thank you, Marshall" I reply him and with that, he turns around and it's out of sight.

I focus on the letter and start unfolding it, just to find Tom's handwritting on it.

Good afternoon my princess,

I'm writting you this letter, to let you know that I'll be picking you up at eight o'clock this evening to take you somewhere special.

All my love, your prince Tom.

I get butterflies in my stomach at the thought of what can he be planning on doing tonight.

I run to my bedroom and try to find a fancy dress to impress him. I find a light pink one with little white decorations and decide to wear a pearls necklace to complete the outfit.

Then I put on some light make-up and as I'm finishing lacing the straps of my heels, a knock on the front door is heard and I know that Tom has arrived.

Marshall has opened the door for him to enter and as I'm walking downstairs, I feel his eyes burning on me. I look up and find him with a blush on his cheeks which I personally find very cute.

"Princess, you look gorgeous tonight" he compliments me and I give him a quick peck on the lips. "You look very handsome Thomas" his cheeks turn redder at my comment. I place my hand on his cheek and his facial features seem to calm down. "Shall we?" He extends his arm for me to go before him and I nod my head. I'm excited to see where we're going, since he just told me it was a surprise.

We get into his carriage and begin our way to somewhere. I ask him some questions about where's the place we're heading to, or if we're leaving town... But he doesn't answer any of them and  instead he chuckles slightly as he draws invisible circles on the back of my hand.

He's so gentle. I think I love him. Oh god. Do I? yes I do, but  is it too soon? Should I tell him or not? What if he doesn't feel the same way? Will he leave me? Y/n stop overthinking!

Just then, the carriage stops, signaling that we've arrived to our destination. Tom helps me to get out of the vehicle as I take a look at my surroundings. It's a palace. Thomas' palace and there are a lot of people walking up to stairs that lead to the enter of it. There's also music coming out of there and that's when I notice that Tom's palace is holding a Ball Dance.

A Ball Dance, is the fanciest and most elegant celebration a family of royal people can hold. There are near two or three in our town every year. And I always tell Tom how much I love attending to them. It's official. I love Tom.

"I remember how many times you've told me you'd love to attend at one of this dances with me as your official boyfriend, so I decided to prepare one of them on your honour" he whispers in my ear. "Tom thank you so much!" I place my hands around his neck and kiss him trying to show him how much this means to me. He kisses me back immeditaly and I feel his lips forming a smile through the kiss.

We get in the palace and everything looks more beautiful than ever. This is the best Ball Dance I've ever been in.

Tom leads me to the dance floor, as my favourite song starts being played by violins and a piano. We begin dancing and it feels like there's no gravity, as if we were floating. He makes me feel like that, like nothing else matters as long as he's with me. We've danced before, but this time, it feels different, because I know I love him. I'm gonna tell him. I have to tell him. Right?

He pulls me closer to his body, and places a soft kiss over my head. It's time. Let's do it. I raise my head, and stare into his beautiful chocolate eyes, as his curls are falling perfectly on his forehead. He gives me a sweet smile. "Tom I need to tell you someting" he gives me a concerned look, but I place my hand on his cheek, and just like before, he relaxes. "I...I love you" A wide smile forms again on his cute face and all the nerves that were in my body, suddenly fade away. "I love you too, darling. With all my heart. I've been meaning to tell you for a while now, but I was scared you didn't feel the same way" A chuckle escapes his soft lips, and just as I start to lean in, his lips find mine and we share a perfect kiss. Like our lips are made for each other's.

This night has gone better than I would've ever expected it too.

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