Paris Getaway

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I've been looking at the laptop clock for hours, I just want to get out of my office and start my Spring break holiday. I'm tired of planning all the Spring weddings, the bride dresses, the flowers sections... Looks like everyone is getting married at the same time.

Finally it's 6:00p.m I'm ready for my deserved break! I take my Prada shoulder-bag and head to my Mini car. After a 15 minutes ride, I get home and leave my baby car sleeping in the front porch.
When I open the door, my jaw drops to the floor, there he is Tom with a bouquet of roses on his hands and with his tuxedo on.

"Hi babe" he says with a nervous smile.

"Hello" I respond giving him a kiss on the cheek making him blush.

"I got this for you" he tells me as he hands me the precious roses. 

"Tom this is beautiful, thank you love" 

"I've got something else planned for tonight honey" he says looking deeply into my eyes making butterflies to appear in my belly.

"Since you're going to be free for a whole week, I thought it'd be great for us to leave town for a few days".

"Oh like on a road trip?" 

"Not exactly, look at the bouquet to get an answer"

I look at my hands and in the middle of the roses, I see two flight tickets for tomorrow morning.
"No way! Paris! Can't believe it! You know how much I love that city!" I shout as I jump to hug him. He reacts fast and holds my waist with his big warm hands.

The next day...

I wake up at 7:00a.m, I go straight to the shower and after I have dried my hair and done my makeup I pick my outfits while picturing myself walking through Paris streets.

Once I'm done, I go to the kitchen were I find Tom with a cup of coffee on his hands, with his black jeans on, his Converse and his white t-shirt on. He looks so hot with his messy morning hair.

"Where's my coffee?" I ask him with a smile on my face.

"Here it is darling" he answers placing me his cup on my hands.

"Thank you babe" 

"No problem. Ready to go?" 

"I have never been more ready!" I respond excited for the wonderful experience that is waiting for us there.

Anyways, right now we are getting on the plane. I'm so happy to finally be traveling to the most famous love city in the whole world, and if that wasn't the best part, I'm going there with my best friend, my soulmate, my confident, my everything, Tom.

I get out of my thoughts when I hear the flight-attendant through the speakers saying: "Passengers of the 45 Ryanair with direction to Paris please start walking into the plane. Thank you very much and have a safe flight."

When she finishes talking, Tom grabs my hand and we head to our seats. 

"Babe do you want the window seat? Just in case you get dizzy" he asks me.

"You don't have to" I answer knowing how much he likes to see the sky views.

"I insist, I'll be better if I know you are okay" 

"Perfect, but for the return, you're going to seat here and see all the beautiful landscapes" I tell him with a smile all over my face.

"I'd rather see you" I turn around and place a soft kiss on his lips making him smile. 

After that, we sit in our corespondent seats and the engine starts. When the plane is elevating, I rush and put Tom's hand on mine.

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