Are You Cheating On Me?

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"Hey guys look who's here!" Tom says as he points his finger at me. "Hey boys" I say smiling.

"Oh yes! My favourite human's here!" Harrison shouts as he comes and hugs me tightly. "Okay okay Osterfield, we all know that her boyfriend it's me, not you." Tom says in a joking tone. "Oh yeah, sorry man." Harrison tells him.

Tom has always been a little bit jealous of my friendship with Harrison because he's always teasing me and making me laugh. Even though he knows that we're only friends, he doesn't like us being so close with each other.

"Okay guys I'm going to the kitchen to get dinner ready" Sam says. "Hey, we're going to the supermarket to get something for dessert." Harry announces.

As they leave, Tom goes to the bathroom and I'm left alone in the living room with Harrison. "So how's your relationship with Tom going on, love?" He asks me. "It's going pretty well. I'm even thinking about telling him that I love him." I tell him as my cheeks flush red. Harrison smiles happy at me and kisses my cheek as he gives me a hug. He's such a good friend! So happy for me.

"Okay, that's it! I'm tired of all this!" Tom shouts directly to H and I. "Mate, what are you talking about?" Harrison asks him. "I'm tired of you both cheating on me! I know there's something going on between you, I can feel it! You're always way too close when you're together. I tried to ignore it, but now I just came back from the bathroom to find you kissing!"

"Tom this is not what it seems." I tell him in an attempt to calm him down, but it only results in him walking out of the house and slamming the door way too loud. I stand up and follow him outside so that it is only the two of us right now.

"Tom why are you acting like this?"

"Really? Why am I acting like this?" He turns around and looks at me with teary eyes. My heart breaks only with the thought of him being hurt only due to a misunderstanding.

"I'm acting like this because I love you! And seeing the girls I love cheating on me with my best friend, believe it or not, hurts like hell. God it kills me just to remember it." My eyes begin to form their own tears as I see him like this, but then my heart stops for a second, as I realized what he's just admitted.

"Wait! Did you just say that you love me?" I say as my now wide smile mixes with the tears on my cheeks.

"Are you serious?! That's the only thing you care about, after all I've just said?" Tom says.

"Tommy that's the only thing I care about, because first of all, Harrison and I are just friends, nothing else. Believe me please, he didn't kiss me on the lips, okay? He kissed me on the cheek because he was happy for me because I told him I was planning on telling you that I love you." I tell him as my emotions speed like a rollercoaster.

"Hold on, are you telling me that you are not cheating on me with H and that I've acted like a jerk to you with no actual reason, and that you love me?" He says as he emphasizes the last words.

"Yes Tom, I love you and only you. Harrison and I are just friends, okay?" I tell him softly, causing a smile to appear on his face.

"I'm truly sorry babe, I'm stupid. I should've believes and trusted you. Can you please forgive me?"

"Mmmh let me think about it..." I say sarcastically as I place one finger on my chin. "I will forgive you, only if you tell me that you love me again." I tell him as I wrap my arms around his neck. His hands pull me closer as he grabs my waist.

"I love you, darling. More than you could ever imagine." He whispers as he catches my breath with his lips on mine. God how I love him!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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