Not my friend

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It was around 9pm when my best friend Claire opened my room's door and said:

"Y/n our friends are waiting for us! C'mon, I don't want them to leave without us, you know how much I love night parties"

"Tom's not my friend!" I told her while I was grabbing my purse and heading to the front door.

Once we were on the street, James, Luke and Liam shouted "party night!!!" To what we replied with an excited shout.
We got in the car. Once I climbed into the passenger's seat, Liam told me, "Y/n... You look stunning tonight" a light blush appeared on my cheeks. "Thank you, you look handsome"

Tom, who was beside me, didn't even say hello or how you doin' to me. He seems nice, but everytime I try to get to know him, he starts scrolling down his phone, or makes up some stupid excuse to leave... I don't really know what I've done to him. We've known each other for a while now, since last year's Halloween party, when my friend Claire introduced me to the guys. Since then, we've spent almost every weekend together partying, camping, talking...

The night when we first met, Tom was wearing a white shirt and I spilled my glass full of wine all over him. Obviously it was an accident, I apologized to him and he told me not to worry, everything was alright.

But after that happened, he suddenly left without saying a word to anyone. That was weird, I still wonder if that's the reason why he hates me. I mean, he can't be so resentful, can he?

Anyway, tonight we're going to party and I won't have fun if I spend my time thinking about his behavior.
It's ok because I won't, I will dance and drink with my friends. He won't be a problem.

Right now it's 1am, Claire is dancing with James and Luke while Liam is flirting with two brunettes and Tom is sitting on a table all alone.

I have to admit that I feel bad for him, I don't know why, but I think I should go talk to him, he seems concerned about something.
As I arrive to his table, I whisper "Hey Tom"

He puts his brown eyes look at mine's.
"Y/n what do you want?" He looks annoyed as always, but I want to know the reason why.

"Tom, I know we don't usually talk, but you seem worried and lost in your thoughts and I just want to let you know that I'm here for you if you need to talk, ok?" I tell him.

He keeps staring at me and just chuckles. I take it as a "just leave me alone", so I start walking away when he says, "Y/n don't go yet"
I stop and turn around to face him when I see him standing up and grabbing his glass of wine. Suddenly, he spills all the red wine over my white dress.

"Why did you do that!?" I shout at him.
"I did it because you deserved it" he says with a tease voice.

"That's it, I've tried to be kind to you, but it's obvious that you don't like me, so from now on I'll act as if I didn't even know you!"

I walk away but as I take a few steps to the door, I hear Tom say "alright, you don't really even know me though"

With those stupid words in my head, I get out of the club and call an Uber.

When I finally arrive home after my discussion with Tom I take off my makeup, put some comfy clothes on, lay in bed and after a whole hour replaying the same scene in my head, I fall asleep.

I wake up at 7:30 a.m.
I know you may be thinking that after a night like that one, waking up at this hour is weird, but what can I say? It's my body what wakes me up. I guess I'm just used to waking up early.

I take a quick shower and watch some Disney+ on my television. I've decided that I won't eat breakfast. I'm gonna meet with Claire and the boys at 12:00 a.m. to eat lunch, and to be honest, I'm not really hungry.

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