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author's note: tom in pink ☁️💞🧚‍♀️

Tom's pov

"tom hurry up!" I hear Haz calling me from downstairs. Today we're getting on a plane to go to Monaco. Yes you heard me right. We've been invited to watch the Grand Prix of the Formula 1 this weekend. And to say that I'm excited, is an understatement. I always loved watching the races on my tv, but now, to experience it in person, is gonna be awesome.

"I'm coming" I zip my suitcase, and start walking downstairs. In just a matter of seconds, we're already on the car and on our way to the airport.

When we arrive, we pay for the ride, grab our stuff and walk fast to not get distracted by the paparazzi. Once we've gone through security, we head to a Starbucks to get some coffee since it's only 8:30 in the morning.
As I'm walking towards the cafeteria, a girl bumps into me. Before she falls to the ground, I grab her waist and hold her tight. I take a look at her. She's wearing a black shirt with blue jeans. It's a basic outfit, but it suits her amazingly. And her eyes, her eyes are sparking. Tom what?! Stop staring at her! You don't even know her, what if she recognizes you, what if she is a fan? My thoughts get blocked when I hear her sweet voice.

"thank you for helping me not to fall, and I'm sorry for bumping into you. I was in a rush to get to security" a soft chuckle escapes her lips and I do the same. "Don't worry, I wasn't looking where I was going either" She smiles at me before saying, "well, it was nice to meet you stranger but I gotta go" and with that, she waves at me and leaves.

She didn't know who I was.

I go back to Haz and Tuwaine and we get our drinks. As we wait for the assistant to call our flight, I can't stop thinking of that girl. It's just as if my body was telling me that I need to see her again. She didn't know that I'm famous, which makes me feel better. In case we got to see each other again, she could get to know me as the real me, not as the me that magazines want people to believe I am.

I haven't realised I've been looking at the huge window that shows how the planes take off the ground, until Haz signals for me to the entrance of the plane. It's time. I didn't even hear the speaker calling our flight. Guess I was too concentrated picturing that girl in my mind to be in the real life.

As we get on the plane, I look at my ticket, to see where's the seat I'll be sitting for the next three hours. C-17. When I stop in front of it, I hear her voice speak. "Well, hello again stranger" Am I dreaming? It's her. Say something Thomas! "Hello again clumsy girl" And that's when that soft chuckle escapes her mouth again. I smile to myself. I made her laugh. She's sitting beside the window, and I am just in the middle. Perfect, these will be the best three hours of my whole life.

I sit beside her as Haz gets on his seat on my right.
"Do you know her?" he whispers in my ear. "Bumped into her earlier today" I reply with the same voice tone. He nods and puts his headphones on. Nice, now it's just her and I.
"so what's your name, stranger" I turn to her and see those shiny eyes again. It feels like home. Oh gosh what? Alright, her eyes are beautiful and her smile too, and her hair, and her nose, and her voice... Just stop it Tom.
"I-I....My name is Tom, Tom Holland" I stutter a bit, but she doesn't seem to notice.
"I'm Y/n Y/l/n" wow, even her name is pretty.

<<we warn you that the plane is about to take off, so please sit down, and do your belts on>>

We do as the assistant orders, and in less than thirty seconds, the engine of the plane turns on. "Breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out" Y/n's cute voice keeps repeating that, she's afraid. I quickly grab her hand on mine and a rush of electricity, runs through my insides. I give her hand a squeeze to show her that everything's gonna be alright. She gives me one of her magical smiles, and mouths a thank you. She's gorgeous. I don't know why, but I feel like I gotta protect her. Protect her tiny little body of hers compared to mine.

When the plane is already on the air, a long sigh comes from her lips. She's relaxed. Great.
"Thank you so much for that Tom" My name coming out from her mouth, sounds a billion times better than I've ever heard it.
"You're welcome, it was a pleasure" her hand slips out of mine and just like that, I feel cold as ice. How can she do that? How can she take control of my whole body without even noticing?

"Hey Tom, would you like to play a game?" She asks me. "Yeah sure, it's a long flight and we've got a lot of time :)" she brushes her hair off her face, and places it behind her shoulders. "What about twenty questions? so we can get to know each other?" "that's a perfect idea" I reply. "I'll start. So umm....what's your favourite ice cream flavour?" that was really random. "Vanilla obviously it is the best" "I agree" she says. One thing we've got in common. "My turn. What's your favourite movie?" Oh I shouldn't have asked her that, what if now she connects the dots and realises I'm an actor? Well done Thomas.

"Actually, I just go to the cinema. I'm not that kind of person to watch movies at home, it's just not as magic as enjoying it with other people. But I'm gonna say....The Beauty and the Beast. I know it may seem childish but I really liked how the human version was, and the decorations and music were wonderful"
I like how she smiles when she talks about something she loves. "I actually enjoyed seeing that movie, I'm a Harry Potter fan, so watching Emma Watson was fun" "No way! I love Harry Potter! My fifteenth birthday was a themed party about it" she says between laughs. I like that she's kind of a nerd. Another thing we've got in common. I join her laughing and as the laugh fades away, we begin to stare into each other's eyes. I wanna stay like this all day long, but her eyes leave mines, and we continue asking questions.

When the plane lands in Monaco, I practically know almost her whole life and she knows mine. I know that she's 23, that she lives in London too, that she's got a dog and two brothers....

When it comes to my life, I've told her everything, I couldn't lie to her, it was impossible. She didn't mind that I was an actor, or famous. She took it normally and didn't dig in the subject. She's kind and respectful. I adore every littles thing about her.

"guess it's goodbye for now not stranger" she tells me when we walk in the Monaco's airport. "guess it is clumsy girl" I smile at her and she returns it before kissing my cheek and turning around leaving me here standing, hoping she comes back.
I've given her my number, and we've decided that we'll meet when we're both back in London again. I can't wait to see her again, I think I'm falling for her or that I've already fallen.

<time skip of two days>

We've been exploring Monaco for two days now and it's amazing. We've had a lot of fun, we even got on a boat. But even in the sea, all I had in mind was her, Y/n.

Today is finally the day that we're going to see the race, and we have even talked with some pilots. This day could not get any better.
Right now, I'm walking towards the V.I.P seats to enjoy the race. I get a little nervous and embarrassed, when the loud speakers, start playing the Spider-man song. I raise my hand and wave at the public.

The manager is leading us to our seats, when suddenly a girl bumps into me. Why is everyone bumping into me these days?
I don't even have time to see her face, when I hear that soft voice. "Jack the race is starting in two minutes, you gotta head to your pilot's cabin" she's talking to the manager. It's Y/n. This must be fate. "Alright, guys those are your seats, Y/n seat with them and tell me if anything goes wrong on that part of the track, yeah?" She nods her head. She still hasn't turned around to see me. I must look like a total idiot, I'm here standing frozen staring at her.
"Have a great time guys" Jack tells us. "Thanks" Haz, Tuwaine and I say in unison.
That's when she turns around and locks eyes with me. I can see her smile even with the mask on. She looks perfect.
"Looks like we don't stop bumping into each other" And just like that, I know she's the one.

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