Kiss cam

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I can feel that today is going to be a great day. My best friend and I are going to a basketball game and I can't wait to be there in the middle of the crowd cheering and hoping that my favorite team wins.

Tom and I have been friends since kindergarten, and before you ask, yes I'm talking about Tom Holland, the guy that plays Spider-Man in the movies.

Though we're really close, nothing has ever happened between us in a romantic way. I think he just sees me as a friend. And I'm thankful for that, but sometimes I just think about how would our lives be if we took a step further in our relationship.

Lately, thoughts of Tom and I being together, have crossed my mind. At first I didn't give much attention to them, but now I'm afraid I may have caught feelings for him and I'm in way too deep to set them free.

I don't want our friendship to be ruined and even less do I want our closeness to be uncomfortable. And that's why I don't plan on telling him about this. At least not for now.

I hear my phone vibrate and turn around from the mirror to look at the new notification.

mr. cuackson 🥐 : hello darling, I'm outside.

Tom has arrived. I lace my converse as fast as I can and before getting out of my front door, I take a last quick look to myself in the mirror. Pink hoodie, baggy jeans and my white Prada. Yes, perfect.

« Wooow who is that pretty girl? Can I get your number? » Tom shouts chuckling from his window as he whistles. I look around and half of my neighbors at the street have their eyes locked at me. Tom always has to do something to embarrass me.

Once I get in the passenger's seat he stops whistling. « Oh is my darling blushing? » Him referring to me as darling only makes my cheeks rosier. He only calls me that when we're both tired or sad and need a hug from the other. But he has never called me his darling. I bet he hasn't even noticed about it.

« Shut up dork » I say to him in a mocking tone.
« Make me » he replies smoothly. From the corner of my eye I can see a small smile forming on his lips. He must be proud of what he's just said.

« Oh of course I will shut you up » I tell him as my face goes closer to his and his face turns to a serious one in a matter of seconds. He doesn't move, waiting to see what's going to be my next move. When our faces are close enough for our noses to touch, I grab his cap from his head. I know he loves his caps, and if I have his now, he will do as I say until we arrive to the stadium.

I put the cap on and look at him. « You will get this back once we've arrived to our destination » he looks at me with a sad face almost making me give in. But I won't. His puppy eyes won't make me fall for his lies.

As he gives up on getting his cap back. The engine starts and he begins driving. « Well, at least you're a cute thief » he mumbles almost not wanting me to hear it.

As far as this morning has gone. He has called me his darling. I've been closer to Tom's face as I had never been. Just as close to kiss him and he hasn't even blinked. And I've stolen his cap and instead of fighting for it he's said that I'm cute.

What's going on today?

After a forty minute drive, we reach the stadium where the game is going to take place. We unbuckle our belts and get out of the car. Now I can look at what Tom is wearing.
White sneakers, blue jeans and a grey hoodie. That's the hoodie he gives me when I'm down. He knows it's my favorite.

« Darling I'm going to need my cap now if I want to keep in the low in front of so many people » There it goes. He's said the nickname again. And the only thing it makes, is butterflies to appear in my belly. I take the cap off, turn around and give it to him.

We make our way inside the giant stadium. Some teenagers have spotted Tom and taken photos of us. To be honest, I don't mind. Their fans know we're best friends. They ship us together but we don't give any type of attention to it.

Once we find our seats, we wait until the players are on their positions for the game to start. And when the ball falls between the two opponents, everyone begins to cheer for their team, making the atmosphere feel as wild as ever. This is amazing.

When it's break time, I grab my drink that I brought at the entrance and take a sip of it.
« Did you see the way they are playing today? I bet this is going to be the best game of their season. We're lucky we bought tickets to see them » Tom says as I nod at him. Since we were young, we've spent our weekend at one other's house to watch the basketball games. It's a tradition by now. And since last week was our annual friendship anniversary, we decided that this would be the perfect gift for us.

As the players are planning their next moves for the last part of the game. The kiss cam begins focusing on random people from the crowd. Some of them share a cute and passionate kiss in front of the camera and also in front of the whole stadium. While others just get a kiss on the cheek or get rejected.

At one point. The loud speaker talks and we hear ;
« Oh man who do we have in the crowd today? The Tom Holland ladies and gentlemen. And looks like he's not alone » Tom looks at me as the kiss cam is now filming us. The whole crowd of people starts cheering and screaming for us to kiss. But right now none of us is moving. We're frozen. We would have never expected this to happen.

Tom looks at me and so our eyes lock on each others. I try to give him a sympathetic smile but I'm sure I fail at that. I'm way too shocked. « Tom we don't have to. You can kiss my che-» Before I even have time to finish my sentence, his lips are on mine. I kiss him back almost immediately and to be honest, it feels as if we were alone with no one around us.

When we part, our noses keep in touch with the other's. If I'm dreaming, then I don't ever wanna wake up.

« I like you darling. Since a long while ago, but I was afraid that it would destroy our friendship » Tom says as his lips brush against mine.

« Tommy I like you too. I can't believe this happened » I say in a whisper. Out of breath.

« I'm so happy we admitted this. Can I kiss you again? » Tom asks me with a huge smile plastered on his face. I don't give him an answer and just put my lips on his.

Basketball is definitely my favorite game ;)

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