I'm Sorry..

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I'm sorry...

Why must I remember memories further within the past...?

Is there something here that I missed?

A way...

A pathway that is darkened by memories gone blank

Is it possible to even remember?

??? - ???

××× Pov

It was rather cold out tonight... The raid was shockingly better than we expected,new pets and riches. Drinks and ladies of course! Warriors crowded within the buildings made from the hands of those fallen and warm close to the flames.

" Those worthless warriors were nothing to us! "

" YEAH! "

" Let's feast till morning! "

" YEAH! "

Feast til morning we did,most of our stronger warriors were drunker than ever and we had a fair share of fun with the ladies. But just as the sun rises,the sounds of chains and discomfort could be heard outside within the cold.

" Didn't we get some new slaves? "

" Yes yes! A young bunch of them,we can make them right into whatever we want with enough ' Training '. "

The sickening laughter from that joke made me think this clan is as bad as it will ever get. It seems like we captured a lot of younglings after the raid and those who escaped would just die out in the cold anyway.

They all had some bit of light within their eyes like some hope of someone rescuing them

But one caught my eye,one's eyes without light only a faint sign of hope and a fire in their eyes that overtook that light.

A rather interesting boy...

I brought the boy who glares at me,seems like he still has some fight within him while the others brought their own. The slave master took notice of the kid's glare and was about to whip him but I stopped.

" Huh!? What are you doing? "

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