Chapter 7/2 Close calls

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F/N- First name

L/N- Last name

Y/N- Your name

N/N- Nickname

H/C - Hair color

E/C - Eye color

Thoughts- Italic and apostrophe or at random now

Locations- Bold

Nearby Village

Y/N Pov

I groaned as the sun blinds me for a bit while I awaited for the students and Byleth to come.

' I need something chill to eat.... '

I noticed Byleth walking towards me with Edelgard next her and they were wearing their normal clothing but it could survive the hot,meanwhile I was wearing my full set of armor.

Byleth: Y/N,you sure you don't want to change into something else?

Y/N: Nope... Just fine....

Edelgard sighed and walked up to me as I looked at her.

Edelgard: Then,I'll have to force you to wear something else

Y/N: Edelgard,I'm not changing out of my armor

Edelgard: It's going to cook you alive in this heat!

Y/N: I guess I'm cooking then

We heard more footsteps coming towards us and I see the rest of the students here.

Dorothea: You shouldn't be lettting yourself be cooked in this heat

Dorothea walked beside Edelgard as both of the girls glared at me which I just looked away from them but my eyes met with something moving inside of an alleyway.

' What the hell... ? '

Caspar: Finally! I get to see some new things again!

Ferdinand: I'm focussed on finding something that'll defeat Edelgard

Hubert: She won't even accept the challenge in the end

Petra: The heat is burning us

Berndetta: I could've stayed inside of my room instead of this heat...

Linhardt: I doubt that would have helped in the end

Y/N: Yeah...

Yoko: You seen something,huh?

' Yeah... Should I be concerned? '

Y/N: Shall we go into the village or what?

All the students but for Berndetta: Let's go!

We walked around the village as everyone found something that interested them or they liked,but what I seen in that alleyway made me worried.

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