Chapter 30 - Air

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F/N- First name

L/N- Last name

Y/N- Your name

H/C - Hair color

E/C - Eye color

Thoughts- Italic and apostrophe or at random now

Locations- Bold

Abyss - Marketplace

Y/N Pov

" And... "

I found myself in the marketplace which was empty but it's better than I was previously,I mean how to get nearly involved with some relationship problems. I was a bit concerned about where the students and Byleth were... I haven't seen them in a long while maybe somethi-

Yoko: Hey idiot!

Y/N: Huh!?

I heard Yoko's voice as I see her walking up to me and flicking my forehead.

Y/N: Ouch! Why!?

Yoko: Because you get lost for so long,currently mercenaries are coming into Abyss from the east.

Y/N: Mercenaries... As in they aren't here to be peaceful.

Yoko: Ding ding! You got it right,everyone else is setting up a trap or more like drawing them into one.

She looks around her surroundings as I pat myself down,realizing that I forgot my sword even my armor within that room I woke up in. I chuckle lightly which gains the goddess' attention as she realizes it as well.

Yoko: I could go get it... Or you can practice with those magic spells you have.

Y/N: Yoko! I barely use magic and only have it when I need to last resort to it,I'm not that powerful in that category.

Yoko: Well,guess this is a lesson and this involves your wind magic first.

I looked at her confused but I could see her mind already at work so I just nodded and looked forwards.

Y/N: Alright... Where's everyone?

Yoko: Behind you.

I sighed lightly then turned around and ready the flow of wind circling within my grips.

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