Chapter 29 - Deals upon Deals

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F/N- First name

L/N- Last name

Y/N- Your name

H/C - Hair color

E/C - Eye color

Thoughts- Italic and apostrophe or at random now

Locations- Bold

Seed - Snowy Land

Yoko Pov

" So... That's where you came from "

I stood within Y/n's mindset,looking over past events which is funny since I told him off when he did the same to me... God I should say sorry to him later. But the in between of our mindsets has became snowy,probably his consciousness reacting to me looking in.

Yoko: *sighs* It's pretty chilly now so this sucks....

Why am I now remembering...? How could've this all in the first place? Was it that I buried it deep inside... It wasn't too bad... Yeah... That's why I buried it..

I heard the inter thoughts as I sighed lightly,knowing I was the reason for him to remember so soon.

Yoko: Sorry pal...

I notice the little sapling of the tree as the cold weather isn't very friendly towards them and I sat down close to it.

Yoko: Sorry little guy... It's bit of my fault why we're both freezing.

I looked upwards at the sky as I made the same book I was reading before reappear in my hands and opened it.

Yoko: Sothis... Goddess or something else

" Maybe a certain greenie could help me "


Y/n Pov


Abyss - Town

" By the goddesses... "

I had wondered mindless as I was left within my thought thinking upon the words of Ashe,I only just realized that...


I shout out as I scratched my hair in annoyance and groaned lowly.

Y/N: And why do I feel cold!?

I feel like I was within the icy mountains of... Yeah but considering where I was,it wouldn't be and shouldn't be icy cold right now.

' shouldn't be thinking like that... Trying to forgive the past '

???: Finally found you!

Y/N: Huh?

I stopped in my tracks as I turned around to see the bandit or should I say... Balthus,a member of the Ashen Wolves.

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