Chapter 16 - Maybe a recruit?

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A/N - Man,sorry about not updating for awhile guys! I will make sure to keep up with the update schedule

F/N- First name

L/N- Last name

Y/N- Your name

H/C - Hair color

E/C - Eye color

Thoughts- Italic and apostrophe or at random now

Locations- Bold

The Monastery

Y/N Pov

I was forced upon towers of paperwork because Byleth was mad the fact I didn't go to the Halloween party even though I did but really it was Yoko who went instead of me.

Yoko: Not my fault the author wanted some entertainment!

' I still have no idea who this author person is! '

Yoko: Let's keep that way!

I sighed as I walked past the white haired little girl or just Lysithea and I stopped in my tracks.

Yoko: You're thinking about it....

I turned around and followed after Lysithea in silence for awhile as I noticed the slight annoyance in her movement until she stops. She turned around with annoyed look on her face and I just smiled kindly.

Lysithea: Professor... What do you want?

I could hear the annoyed tone in her voice which I kinda of expected from her and I looked to the side.

Y/N: I wondering something.... You would like to join the Black Eagles' House?

Lysithea: What? I won't join that house as I'm sure I can better in my house right now!

Y/N: Ple-

Yoko: Lysithea... I know,I was idiotic when we first interacted with each other and honesty it was really bad for me to call you such a word when you want to be treated with respect!

Yoko spoke from my own mouth instead of me talking but I noticed Lysithea looked least annoyed and a bit on board.

' Keep going... '

Yoko: The Black Eagles could use such a lady like yourself who seems to be very skilled in magic. We will treat like our equal and not like a... 'Child'.

Lysithea: Treated like equal...*She mumbles*Maybe... I could join yo-

???: Teach!

We both looked around for moment until I see Claude hanging upside down behind Lysithea with a smile on his face.

Claude: Already trying to steal from other houses?

Y/N: Ah! Guess I am...

I looked at Lysithea with a smirk on my face and bow down to her like a knight kneeling to his princess.

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