Chapter 24/1 - Unexpected

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F/N- First name

L/N- Last name

Y/N- Your name

H/C - Hair color

E/C - Eye color

Thoughts- Italic and apostrophe or at random now

Locations- Bold

Mess Hall

Y/N Pov

A large feast was happening with each student from their respective houses as my human arm was so sore I couldn't really move it and everyone deserved to put my arm in a sling so it isn't just hanging around. I watched the whole feast happening in front of me till other students from Blue Lions and Golden Deer started asking me to train them or in my terms,spent some time with me.... I ignored them and noticed Edelgard going through the same time as well so I pushed past the students towards her.

Student 1: Edelgard,you were amazing out there!

Student 2: Could you train with me!?

I noticed Hubert there as he approached to Edelgard as everyone there backed up and I pushed them both.

Y/N: Hey Edelgard,being bother?

Edelgard: Ah! Y/n,I though you were going to rest in your room?

Y/N: Even with Fluffles,it would be boring...

Edelgard: Well... *blushes*Maybe we could sit together for the din-

Byleth: Hey Y/n!

Edelgard was interrupted by Byleth who walks over to us as I felt my own face heat up a bit and the familiar feeling of butterflies in my stomach.

Byleth: Thought you were going to rest as you earned it.

Edelgard: Professor,he said that it would be boring so he came here and I was going to ask him if he wanted to eat with me.

Byleth: Huh...? Is that true?

She looked over to me as I felt that familiar pressure flowing from her and I backed up a bit.

Y/N: Y-yes! She was asking me that!

Byleth: Then you won't mind if I joined you two?

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