Chapter 7/1 - A Chilling Day

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F/N- First name

L/N- Last name

Y/N- Your name

H/C - Hair color

E/C - Eye color

Thoughts- Italic and apostrophe or at random now

Locations- Bold

The Monastery

Y/N Pov

I lay in my bed peaceful,remembering it was a day off for both me and Byleth which means I could stay in bed for once. I closed my eyes as I heard a meow and opened my eyes to Fluffles sitting on my chest.

' Fluffles... My dear beloved cat... You will not ruin my day off.... '

I glared at Fluffles who just bites my arm.

Y/N: Ouch! Come on!

Fluffles meows again at me and I sat up,putting the little guy on my lap.

Y/N: Okay Fluffles! What do you want from this lazy guy?

Fluffles stared at me for a moment and lays on the bed as I took it for he wanted the bed for himself.

Y/N: You want the bed,eh?

I stood out of bed,wearing only shorts on and my chest exposed which means my scars were exposed as well but I wasn't thinking of that.

' This damn cat! Why did I decide to keep him...? '

Yoko: The cat reminds you of the young self who wasn't so thoughtful of his actions...

I kinda jumped on the inside but I should've expected Yoko to speak inside of my mind once or twice.

Y/N: *sighs*Guess he does...

I looked at my hands which were clean but I knew these hands have many deaths underneat the skin and my blood starts to run cold as I thought about the many lives I took during the war.

' War... There is no honor,no such thing called vistory or even good... There is only blood and deaths of other people who could have just fought as they were misguided.... '

I told myself and clutched my hands into a fist,letting out a long sigh.

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