Christmas Event!

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A/N - Sorry for the chapter not being so long but I had to rush considering work is beating me up T^T

F/N- First name

L/N- Last name

Y/N- Your name

H/C - Hair color

E/C - Eye color

Thoughts- Italic and apostrophe or at random now

Locations- Bold

The Monastery

Y/N Pov

No snow,no cold winds from the north but still it was christmas eve in the monastery which it would.... with many students having little secret Santa and other things. I would guess I was the target for multiple students so I decided to take a walk around the place while doing some paperwork,I did hear about a mistletoe somewhere around the monastery.

' How many guys will take a girl there just to get rejected? '

Yoko: I say 10 guys!

' No... I say 12! '

Yoko: You wanna bet?

' Yep! '

Me and Yoko have gotten even closer with each other ever since we fought each other on our terms of fair ground. She wants me to learn and make statics in mid-battle while we watch the tree grow some days together... More like I am and she's reading that book.

Yoko: It's good literature!

Y/N: Yeah yeah...

I notice Hubert and Ferdinand walking by me with bags of ingredients which got my attention but just as I was going to ask what they're doing I feel someone tap my shoulder.

Y/N: hm?

I turned to see Claude with his innocent smile on and noticed him holding something behind his back.

Claude: Hey Tea- I mean Y/n!

Y/N: oh Claude! You having some problems with other students again?

Claude: Nope! Actually,I'm here for you!

Y/N: Me?

Yoko: oh...

' oh? '

He takes his hands from his back,holding a box and motions for me to open it which I open up the box to see something. It was a scroll,I picked it up from inside of the box but as I did I felt a weight to the scroll while Claude backs up and I looked at the scroll for a moment then him.

Claude: Open it whenever you feel like! Later Y/n!

Y/N: Hey wa-

Before I could finish my sentence,he was already gone from my sight and I just let out a long sigh then turning my attentions to what I seen earlier.

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