Chapter 4 - The Fallen knight back in action

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F/N- First name

L/N- Last name

Y/N- Your name

N/N- Nickname

H/C - Hair color

E/C - Eye color

Thoughts- Italic and apostrophe or at random now

Locations- Bold

Officers Academy

Y/N Pov

Weeks of teaching and training for the Black Eagles,I was lazy most of the time as Byleth would hit me on my head or throw a book at me which she has surprisely got good at doing. But,the day has come for the Mock battle between the three houses of the Officers Academy and the Black Eagles had the most deadly ace in their hands,two people who are experienced in combat that don't play.

Byleth: Well,today is the day for actual combat...

Y/N: And the kids will see us mess up some people,eh?

She glared at me which I just whimper and put up my hands.

Byleth: Be a good boy and don't hurt every person so badly,understood?

Y/N: Yes ma-

Sothis: And there's the loyal dog again like I said before

Y/N: Hey! Shut it,kid!

Sothis: Kid? I'm a goddess and you're a moral who should be respectable to me!

Y/N: I'll respect you when you actually face me!

Sothis: Oh,that easy then?

She went quiet as Byleth sighed and a little girl who had green long hair with two ponytails which goes into braids,the little girl looked at me with annoyance.

Sothis: Now loyal dog! You should respect me now!

Y/N: ... Pfffft!

I started laughing as Byleth and Sothis looked at each other for a moment,I fall onto my knees while my sides start to hurt from laughing.

Y/N: You... You want me to respect a child?

Sothis: You said if I showed myself,you'll respect me!

Y/N: Kid,I fear Byleth's glare not a child

Byleth: Y/N!

I instantly got into a kneeling position as Byleth crossed her arms and Sothis smirks at me.

Sothis: And you say you aren't a loyal dog but you act like one when Byleth speaks threatening towards you

Y/N: *Looks at Sothis*I ain't a loy-

Byleth: Y/N,you will remain silent until I allow you to speak for right now

I lower my head as Byleth looked at me and I nodded then stood up.

Sothis: Loyal dog!

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