Chapter 24/2 - A Goddess's Tears

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F/N- First name

L/N- Last name

Y/N- Your name

H/C - Hair color

E/C - Eye color

Thoughts- Italic and apostrophe or at random now

Locations- Bold

Some grassfield

Y/N Pov

" Big sis Yoko! "

I stared at this younger version of Yoko holding her little sister who had different coloured hair but.... This is Yoko... The same girl who tricked me as a joke... The same goddess who stabbed me and jokes around with me in somewhat non caring manner... Here she was... She carefully walked the fields,avoiding any possible danger while keeping up that smile on her face.

' This isn't Yoko! '

My thoughts became vocal as it shouts loudly across the field which catches the attention of younger Yoko and her little sister who clings to her nervous... She glares daggers at me and I just ignore them.

Y/N: Guess just thinking is talking here so... You aren't my Yoko! The one who likes a jerk most of the time and just uncaring of the world!

Yoko: Well because she isn't....

A familiar voice spoke behind with a empty tone of voice not like that cheerful one I heard from younger Yoko.... It sounded like it had a wound that cut just too deep and it last a scar... I watched the younger Yoko and her little sis faint away like dust as the field was open but felt cold... She walked up beside me as I looked over to her.

Yoko: Damn powers allowed you into somewhere you shouldn't be... And we're now leaving...

She grabs my arm with a firm grip as she tries to pull me backwards but I stood my ground which made her glare at me... Those ebony eyes... They were dark lake of something I felt before... Loneliness... Pain...

She was empty....

Yoko: .... You're thinking so much into things.... Things I don't want to touch- No I don't want either of us to touch...

Y/N: Yoko... You're a shell...

Yoko: No I am not! Now let's go!

Her voice became more demanding as her grip grow tighter on my arm... The skies above us got cloudy and the winds were getting rough... She was trying to hide it.

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