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10 years Later

"Just a few more seconds Razor," Y/n smiled as she scratched his ear and under his chin, distracting him from Barbra who was cleaning his wound.

"hmm... Scratch... Good," Razor moaned as he rested his head on Y/n's lap.

"And... were... Done, there you go Razor. Good as new," Barbra the Fea smiled as she finished wrapping Razor's wound.

"Thank you... Good doctor... and girl," Razor thanked.

"Umm, no problem Razor, feel free to come to us whenever you need medical attention," Barbra smiled bashfully. " And Y/n thank you for your assistance, Razor was a bit much to hand. He wouldn't stay still."

"Well, Wolfmen are very active monsters and prefer to stay where it's familiar," Y/n smiled as she patted Razor's head. He happily leaned his head into her palms, with a blush on his cheeks as his tail wagged happily. "Is there anyone else you need help with?"

"No, our last patient is Bennett, and we can take care of him," Barbra smiled.

"Alright, I'm going to head out to the mountain to give Albedo something," Y/n said as she and razor headed out of the cathedral.


(The city of Mondstadt)

The city was still and slightly lifeless than it normally is. Stormterror's attacks have been becoming more and more frequent, and even closer with each attack. Many people preferred to stay inside and rarely leave their homes.

"Is...Good Doctor... be okay...To mountain?" Razor asked Y/n.

"I'll be fine Razor, I'm sure your pack is wondering where you are," Y/n reassured him.

Razor nodded as he quickly ran off to wolvendom. Y/n smiled as she straightened out her satchel and checked her sword to make sure it was in top shape. Satisfied y/n quickly made her way to the square to order some chicken mushroom skewers for the road. As she stashed her food into her satchel, Y/n felt a familiar presence approaching her.

"So where are you heading off to snowflake?" Asked a charismatic voice.

"Hello Kaeya," Y/n smiled as she turned to the centaur. " So what mischief are you up to today?"

" How mean of you to assume such a thing. I was simply wondering what my favorite drinking buddy was doing," Kaeya smiled as he placed a friendly hand on her shoulder.

"I'm not too sure about that statement. Not after last time," Y/n frowned sightly," I don't think good friends intentionally put them in dangerous and uncomfortable situations."

"Oh came on, It wasn't that bad. I easily took care of those Treasure Hoarders. You had nothing to fear," Kaeya said with a charming smile.

Y/n's frown seemed to remain as her mind went back to that uncomfortable night. Kaeya had invited her to the tavern one night, but they ended up sharing a table with some sketchy people. As Kaeya happily chatted away with the strange men, one of them, a little too drunk. Started to feel up her thigh with the look of lust in his eyes. Y/n shivered at the memory as the ghost of that hand could still be felt slightly. 

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