2-Her name is Ruby

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Trunks POV

I walked into the warehouse smoking a blunt I had rolled up on the way here. The boss had called and told me he had to see me ASAP. Knowing the situation I knew it wasn't good.

"There you are nigga. X is pissed the fuck off at the shit that happened. But I'ma let him explain shit to you." Ski said walking up to me with a fearful expression plastered all over his face. Just seeing the nigga like this I knew something was going to go down.

"How pissed off?" I asked fear taking me over as well. "Let's just say 10 lives where lost over this." Ski then said rubbing the back of his neck. Shit. The one chance I get at getting on the bosses good side and I blow it.

"Well pray for me then cause I'm going in to see him now." I said walking into a corridor. "Shit you gonna need it." I heard Ski mumble as I got to the bosses office. Taking a deep breath I knocked on the door.

"Come in!" An angry voice shouted from within. I pushed the door opened to see X sitting in his throne chair twirling a knife between his fingers. His eyes were black and he looked at me with pure fury shown clearly.

"Look who finally decided to show up. And have you brought me the girl? No you come back empty handed while that bitch roams the streets knowing our location!" X yelled throwing the knife at his dart board hitting the dot in the middle.

"Look X I'm sorry ok I thought she was at the park. I didn't think she would follow me here." I spoke trying not to show the fear I was feeling inside. "And yet you didn't even bother to check did you!"

He screamed making me lose my focus and jump. "I'm sorry X I'll handle it and bring her here. It's the only reasonable thing to do." I said confidently. X stood from his chair and walked up to me beginning to walk around me in circles.

"And what do you plan on doing if you bring her here? What if she tries to escape?" He asked me looking down at the ground. "We can keep her prisoner here. Or we can kill her."

At this X picked his head up. "Alright then. Bring her here and bring her to me. I will decide her fate." Was the last thing he said before walking over to a room and going inside.

I sighed a relief and turned around to walk out. Now what the fuck am I going to do? Finding where the girl is might be a problem. But she did tell me where she was even if it wasn't her address.

"Trunks!" X shouted making me whip around. He was standing in the doorway of the room he was going into. The room was dark behind him as he gave me an emotionless stare.

"Do you know her name?" He asked me while tilting his head. "I know her first name it's Ruby. And I may have some information that we can use to pick her up now." A smile crept on X's face when I said that. "I'm listening." He said stepping out of the room.

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