16-Loxias Crown

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I woke up in a dimly lit room on a bed  that looked exactly like a hospital bed. My body ached from head to toe as my eyes adjusted to what I was seeing. Soon my eyes landed upon a single lone shadow of a person in a chair making me whimper. The person stood quickly to their feet rushing over to me.

It was my brother Michael and that allowed relief to flow through me. "Hey take it easy little sister. Your safe now." He said taking a seat beside me on the bed. The memories of the night before came back to me causing tears to well up in my eyes. "Tank is dead because of me Michael."

I cried remembering the sight of Tank hovering over me with the pole coming out of his chest. If it wasn't for me he would still be alive. "It wasn't because of you Ruby. He wanted to protect you. There is a difference." Michael reassured my taking a hand and wiping away my tears with his thumb.

"He wouldn't have had to if I hadn't gotten caught in the first place. If I hadn't gotten hurt." I protested trying to move my face away from his touch. But that failed horribly as pain shot up my spine making me let out a stifled scream. Michael was quick to grab me and get me to lay straight again carefully.

"Don't make any sudden moves Ruby your going to hurt yourself more." He snapped never letting me go. I whimpered in return causing him to sigh. "Don't be to hard on yourself about this little sister. Things happen no matter how much you don't want it to happen. It just helps us to progress further."

Michael then said letting go of me only to push a stray strand of hair out of my face. I made a sound of acknowledgement despite the fact my throat felt like it had been stuffed with pins and needles. "You need water." My brother spoke up letting me go getting up walking to the other side of the room.

I watched as he went up to a dresser grabbing a pitcher of water in one hand and an empty cup in the other hand. Soon he was back at my side sitting back down beside me lifting my head carefully with his now free hand cupping the back of my head gently while the other brought the cup to my lips.

From there I drank the water feeling even more relieved when the coolness of it slid down my throat making me hum to express the relief I now felt. Michael chuckled at my response with a small smile taking the cup away only when I was finished drinking. "Where is Jahseh?" I asked slowly.

Michael stiffened as he placed the empty cup on the night table. "He was put into a room not to far from this one. Right now I need to speak with you about the man you witnessed in the prison." He stated slightly annoyed at my question. I wasn't up for arguing with my brother as of right now so instead I told him what I knew he needed to hear.

"I couldn't see him fully. It was to smokey to be able to make out who he was. But he knew that I was your sister... Michael he wanted to kill me." I told him watching as his face thinned from anger. "Loxias Crown." He spoke as if that was helping me figure out who the man was. "Michael-" I began but he cut me off.

"That's the name of the man that tried to kill you and Jahseh." He stated making me look at him with wide eyes. I knew all to well who Loxias was being the stories Michael used to tell me about him when we were both younger. Loxias was Michael's best friend and partner in crime.

My mother would never allow him to step foot in our home being she thought of him as a trouble maker and a bad influence on Michael. Now all I saw him as was a monster. A monster that only Michael was capable of going head to head with.

"What are we going to do Michael?" I asked looking at him in worry. Michael looked at me with a firm glare standing up from the bed. "We are not going to do anything. Loxias is my problem and I'll make sure he's taken care of." Michael said making you glare back at him.

"Michael your going to get yourself killed if you fight him by yourself. You need my help!" I exclaimed but quickly had to calm down due to the soreness forming in my throat. "No your going to get yourself killed Ruby. You don't share our powers so how do you expect to fight him off?"

Michael countered and it was then that I knew he won the argument. But that didn't stop my fight. "Michael I want to be useful in taking him down. I want to be useful in life. I don't want to be useless." I cried tears coming down my cheeks once again. Michael came to sit by me again and grabbed my face gently in his hands.

"If you become useful to everyone in life then that just allows people to use you and throw you away once they have a good reason to. What I want is for you to understand that you are worth the moon and the stars and so much more. And I am so proud to call you my little sister crazy girl."

Michael said looking into my eyes with a soft smile. I smiled back at his words feeling a sense of warmth spread through my body. This was also a reason I would always love my brother. He made me see my worth even at my lowest points. "I love you too brother." I sniffled making Michael lean down and hug me gently.

"Promise me you won't leave me though Michael. I've been without you by my side for a long time and it-" I began but instantly got cut off by him. "I promise you I won't leave you sis. The only time I'll leave your side is when I have to take a piss or shit." He said making me giggle. "Michael really? TMI!"

I playfully spoke just as someone walked into the room making Michael and I look in his direction. He was an older man with blond hair and blue eyes. His face was set in a firm glare as he looked between Michael and I. "So your sister finally met the Mafia huh Morbius?" He snickered making Michael roll his eyes.

"Had fun getting your ass handed to you by the kid?" Michael snapped back making me furrow my brows. "Now that was a pussy move." The man spoke glaring at my brother. "What do you want Lawrence?" Michael spoke looking towards the ground shaking his head.

"Looking for X." The man said making Michael sigh. "He's down the hall in the last room. He's-" Michael began but was quickly cut off after the first sentence. "QUIET!" The man said before leaving the room. Michael growled before speaking. "Welcome back Johnny Lawrence."

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