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I woke up to the room door opened a little. X wasn't beside me like he had been last night so I guess he left the room. Getting up I went to the bathroom and did my morning routine. When I was done I stepped into back into the room and sat down on the bed.

I still wanted to get out of here. But I had to find my money bag. Looking around I found it had been kicked under the bed. Grabbing it I opened it up to see the money still in there. Good. Putting on some sneakers I tip toed into the dark hallway as quietly as I could.

Voices sounded in a room as I entered a big opening. They must all be in there. And the door was right there. I ran over to the door and opened it running out to a gate. An alarm sounded as I tried my best to open the gate but it seemed to be locked. "Put your fucking hands up!" Someone shouted behind me. I obeyed slowly turning around.

"Wait don't shoot her! She has the bosses choker on!" Another person said in fear and disbelief. So these mother fuckers really are scared of him. They put there guns down just as X stormed out of the building. A look of pure rage was shown on his face. He's going to kill me for sure after this stunt.

But maybe I can get on his sweet side. I ran up to him as the men once again pointed there guns at me. I jump hugged him catching him off guard. But he was able to catch me without falling over. I put my face in his neck and wrapped my arms and legs around him tightly. "Put your fucking guns down!"

He snarled as he wrapped his arms around me carrying me back into the building. He took me back to the room and pushed me off of him and on the bed. "If you try to run from me again I will gladly kill you! That's my final warning Ruby!" He yelled at me as he hovered over my body.

"Then kill me X! Cause I'll keep trying to get out of this hell hole till you do!" I screamed back. As soon as I said that  he was on top of me with his hand wrapped around my neck tightly. "Why can't you just fucking stay with me!" He screamed shocking the fuck out of me. I could see in his eyes he wanted to cry.

But he wasn't allowing himself to. Just like I do when I'm feeling sad. X pushed off of me and sat on the bed with his head in his hands. "You know what just fucking leave." He whispered but loud enough for only me to hear. "X I-" I began but was cut off by him. "I said leave! Go be free like you want to!" He screamed again.

I got up and went to the door opening it. Looking back I saw X looking at me giving me the "bitch I dare you" look. He is so bipolar it's not even funny. I mean it's kinda cute and funny I can't lie. Giggling I closed and locked the door and walked over to him. I moved his arms and sat on his lap straddling him.

"Why so serious Mr. X?" I said poking his cheek making him shake his head. "Stop that dumb shit Ruby. Get the fuck off me." He said trying to push me off. But it felt like he wasn't trying at all. You see this nigga bipolar but even though he kidnapped me I'm starting to fall for him.

It feels wrong but right at the same time. "Fine I'll leave." I said getting off of him leaving the room. "Might as well go to my male best friends house and cuddle with him." I said trying to get X to come after me. But he didn't. "If your talking about Jason then he's dead. My men killed him and his girlfriend."

X said from the room stopping me in my tracks. "Your lying." I said turning around to see him right behind me. "No I'm not. Now if you tell anyone about it I will hunt you down and kill you myself." He growled in my ear before shoving both my bags in my hands. "Now get the fuck out."

He said as tears threatened to fall from my eyes. But I kept them in as I turned around and ran for it. I left the warehouse and made it through the gate. Which his goons opened on his command. I wasn't going to tell anyone about the warehouse. I couldn't. But I knew I was going to get the fuck out of here.


I sat on my bed and put my head in my hands. What the fuck is wrong with me? Why am I feeling like this? I grabbed my phone and went to this one app. A red dot appeared on a map moving towards a motel. I watched as it got to the motel and stopped. It stayed there.

Double clicking the screen it zoomed in on the dot walking into a room. And then it finally stopped. Fuck this shit. I got up and grabbed my car keys putting my sneakers back on walking out the door. I left the warehouse and walked along the path leading away from the park. The one me and ski found when we first got this place.

I reached the hidden parking lot and got inside my car starting it up and driving off. It was starting to get dark as I continued my drive. I should have never let her leave. She was mine and I just sent her away. But now I'm going to make sure she stays with me. My phone started ringing making me answer it.

"Boss your girl is here. I saw the choker and I gave her a room here and figured you wanted to come pick her up." A guy said in the phone. "I know she's there. And I'm coming now." I said before hanging up the phone. Ruby will be mine whether she likes it or not. And if I have to fuck her insides up for her to realize it then so be it!

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