15- Escape

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Jahseh's back hit the ground while Patty and Tank helped get the glass out of my back with the med kit Michael directed them to. "So you mean to tell me that you ordered your men to go after my sister after she found the warehouse!"

My brother screamed his face going from thin to regular the angrier he got. Jahseh picked himself up off the ground and winced lightly from how hard Michael had thrown him. "That's exactly what I'm telling you Michael. At least she's safe! If it wasn't me who called the order to bring her to me she would have been dead."

"You know my men have the go to kill anyone they deem necessary." Jahseh snapped clearly angry at being man handled by Michael who brought his hands into fists and glared at Jahseh. "Look Michael I know your pissed off at the whole situation but you have to think about it from this perspective."

"Ruby was bound to run into us and she definitely had. I mean you should have seen how she acted when I first met her." Ski said sending me a glare making me glare at him back. "One of your boys started hitting on me!" I snapped at him as Michael and Jahseh turned to me. "Who?!?" They both exclaimed looking from me to Ski expectantly.

"How about we not talk about that right now? We need to get out of here we been in this prison to long already." Patty bud in having everyone turn to him. "Fine, your right. Let me just get some blood bags and I'll meet you all at the cars." Michael then spoke turning to walk away.

"Michael wait!" I shouted after him trying my best to stand up. But the pain from all the glass that had been in my back made me whimper in pain. "I'll be fine Ruby. You need to go with Jahseh and I promise I'll come back to you." Michael spoke softly looking into my eyes. "You said that the last time and never came back!"

I cried as Tank picked me up bridal style. "Trust me." Was all Michael said before disappearing quickly into another room. A loud boom sounded above us and gaining all of our attention. "Everyone move out! This place is going down!" Jahseh shouted and soon we were off back to the elevator.

"No, we can't leave Michael!!! He's my brother!!!" I cried trying desperately to get out of Tank's grasp despite the pain I felt all over my back. "Don't be stupid Ruby! Michael will come for us." Ski snapped while we all filed into the elevator. No matter how many times I tried to get out of Tanks grasp I failed.

He really wasn't going to let me go and I knew that while the elevator door closed behind us and started moving that I was either going to see my brother again or he would just disappear just like the last time. So I cried with the thought of never seeing him again.

And this time for good. All these years of not seeing him and then finally reuniting with him only for him to go and potentially leave again broke my heart more than anyone would know. I mean who wouldn't feel this way? Jahseh looked at me with a hint of sorrow in his eyes.

He opened his mouth to speak but then thought better of it turning away to avoid my gaze. Something about that made me curious as to what he wanted to say. I wanted to ask him what was it but knew it would get me no where especially being we weren't alone at this exact moment.

So instead I stayed quiet and soon enough the elevator door swung open and we were headed out just as the building began to shake. Flames danced everywhere causing me to cough and cover my nose and mouth with my hands. "We need to get the fuck out of here!"

Patty screamed covering his own nose and mouth. With Jahseh in the lead and me being carried still we left the office and made a mad dash back the way we came. The smoke was thick enough for us to barely see where we were going. But we pushed on... That was until a large metal bar snapped in half and fell point down.

I let out an ear splitting scream as Tank dropped me onto the floor and hovered over me. I ignored the returning pain watching as Tanks facial features went from normal to one filled with pain and agony. My eyes widened at the realization and when I looked down I got my conformation.

The pole had sliced through Tanks chest and just barely made it to cut into my own skin. "Take.... Care.... Of.... Jahseh." He choked out before collapsing beside me his open eyes going lifeless. Tears poured down my eyes more. Tank had given his life to save mine. But I couldn't repay him for it now.

"Ruby!" I heard Jahseh scream as footsteps sounded behind me. Soon Jahseh was at my side looking down on the lifeless body of his friend. "No no no." I heard Jahseh choke out and I didn't need to look into his face to see that he was crying as well. Before I could tell him what happened an explosion went off in another room.

The floor shook more threateningly this time causing Jahseh to wipe his tears before scooping me into his arms taking off towards the exit. "What about Patty and Ski?" I choked out trying desperately to not inhale too much smoke. "I told them to go ahead." Was all Jahseh said as he kept running.

Now the exit was just a distance away. Just a few more steps and we would be out into the fresh air. But the hope of us getting out alive fell when the metal door slammed shut trapping us inside the building. The sound of a man's laughter cut through the air making Jahseh and I search for him.

That wasn't Michael. It was someone else. "I never thought that one day I would actually get to meet Michael's little sister." The hidden man exclaimed cruelly. I whimpered at the sinister tone in his voice while Jahseh tightened his grip on me. "It's a shame he won't be able to watch you die." Was the last thing the man said.

Suddenly a force knocked into Jahseh sending us toppling to the ground. Whatever knocked into us happened so fast that I couldn't see what it was. It was almost like when I couldn't see Michael killing all those men till he was right in front of me. I could hear Jahseh groan next to me from the impact.

Whimpering myself I crawled closer to him struggling to my feet to help him up afterwards. That was until I felt wind on my back before a foot connected to my ribs making me scream out in pain as I fell to the floor on my other side. "Don't you fucking touch her!" Jahseh screamed standing up on his two feet.

"Oh I see your her little boyfriend. I guess I'll just have to kill you first." The man snarled as my vision went in and out. With the last of my breath I let out my last words. "Michael!" I cried and as my eyes finally closed I saw the metal door get knocked off it's hinges slamming into the man I couldn't see well.

Then another being sped into the building as fresh air flew into the building feeding the flames. And I had blacked out just as my brother was standing before me with a face full of concern. I hadn't even felt when he put me and Jahseh who had passed out over his shoulders before bringing us to safety......

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