14- Michael

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Sorry for the late update everyone. A couple of things came up and I wasn't able to update like I would have done. For the delay this will be a longer chapter.

"Her brother is Michael fucking Morbius! What do you mean it won't be a big deal if we explain what happened?" Jahseh screamed at Tank who had suggested my brother couldn't get mad if they explained the story to him.

"Look we have a reason as to why she's been brought into this. She found us not the other way around. And I would like to think Michael has some sense to know how his sister behaves." Tank snapped back looking towards the elevator.

After I had revealed my last name to them all Ski ended up having a fit and trashed the office. It made me wonder what they knew about Michael besides the fact he is my brother. I guess I'll just have to ask Jahseh about it. "We made a promise to him Tank."

"And now look what happened! She's here and her and Jahseh got a thing going on! We are fucking dead!!!" Ski spoke up glaring at me. "How about you all just grow some balls and get in the elevator so we can find my brother!" I shouted glaring at all of them in turn.

Jahseh glared back at me but I couldn't help but see the hint of amusement in his eyes. "Boys have your guns at the ready. We don't know what we are going to find down there. Don't shoot unless I say otherwise." He then spoke before looking at me and jerking his head towards the elevator.

I took that as my que to walk up to it and push the only button there. The boys fell in line behind me and Jahseh as we waited for the elevator to come. "If I tell you to go back once we're down there I want you to listen. Otherwise stay at my side at all times." Jahseh spoke looking at me with a firm look in his eyes.

"He's my brother Jah. I'm not leaving him." I replied just as the elevator door slid open. Once we were all inside Jahseh pushed the ground floor button. The door shut and soon nervousness started to make a home within my body. What if we got there to find my brother dead?

He couldn't possibly be dead if Patty spoke of him like he was still alive right? Patty had said that Michael had changed. That he had become a monster. It had me thinking what exactly they had done to my brother. Science now went beyond what we could have ever thought possible these days.

We always learn something new and discoveries are made almost daily. So what experiment could they have possibly done that would involve my brother? "What happened to my brother that landed him here?" I spoke amongst the silence as the elevator made it's way to our destination.

"That can be discussed another time. Right now we need to focus on the task at hand." Jahseh replied not even bothering to look at me. His gaze stayed glued to the door as everyone else averted their gaze from me. "I deserve to know what happened to my brother."

"You can't just keep something like that from me especially when he just disappeared from my life after telling me he would come back for me." I pressed snapping my head to glare at him. At this Jahseh let out a frustrated sigh before turning to me.

"Instead of wondering what happened how about you worry about if he'll kill us when he see's us." He snapped making my blood run cold. Jahseh was right. Would Michael try to kill us once we're in his sights? I would like to think the brother that I always knew was still inside of him.

But then again Patty's description of what he had become replayed in my head the whole ride down. When the elevator stopped and the door swung open I gasped. "Everyone have your guns at the ready." Jahseh warned stepping in front of me as we all filed out.

As we walked out of the elevator and into the room I could see that something was definitely created in here. It was a lab with tables flipped over onto their sides. Papers lay ripped and glass tubes lay shattered scraping against the floor as we walked.

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