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Ruby's POV

I woke up in a little room on the floor. Well it was more like a cell. Where the fuck was I? Who put me in here? Those questions were answered once I saw the same bluish purple hair dread head walk into the room. "Look who's finally awake."

He spoke pulling up a chair and sitting down. He stared at me with emotionless eyes. "I'm surprised you didn't die yet." I snapped going over to the bed that was inside my cell. If there's a bed why tf wasn't I on it? "You have a lot of nerve speaking to me like that."

He said getting up as I sat down on the bed rolling my eyes at him. Wait I was dressed? Before I blacked out I was naked. "I had a maid dress you when you got here. Brought you in that towel." He said as he walked over to a table. I looked at the towel and looked back at him.

My eyes went wide with shock as I saw him grab my money bag and place it on the table. "That's mine! Leave it alone!" I yelled running up to the cell bars gripping them till my knuckles were white. "So you do know that there's about 15k in here."

He said opening it. "Yes I do now give it back!" I shouted at him. I needed that money if I was going to get far away from here. "Well then you know that this money is mine now. And so are you." He said walking up to my cell. "Fuck you!" I spat at him making his eyes go black.

Just then he grabbed my head and slammed it into a cell pole knocking me out cold once again.


I grabbed the bag and left the room closing the door behind me. That little bitch got a mouth. And she's a fighter at that. I walked into my office and sat there. What am I going to do with her? "Yo vro we got 10 boxes of pizza and wings. You want some?"

Ski asked busting into the room without warning. "Ski your lucky your my vro. Cause I would've killed you for just walking up in here without warning." I snapped at him sitting back in my chair. "Yea aii but you want some pizza?"

He asked again making me chuckle. "Bring me 2 pies and 2 boxes of wings to my room." I told him while standing up. "Gotchu vro." Ski said but just as he was about to leave I went over and stopped him. "Tell Craig to get the girl and bring her to my room. Don't ask questions just do it."

I said giving him my serious look. Ski looked at me confused but then nodded his head and left. What the fuck am I doing? I'm usually not like this. If it was any other bitch I would have let them starve. Cause I just don't give a fuck. But with her it's like I can't let her starve.

Shaking my head I went to my room pushing the thoughts aside. When I got there I saw 2 pies and 2 boxes of wings with 2 4 liter soda's just like I asked for. Now all I have to do is wait for them to bring the girl.

Ruby's POV

I was rudely woken up by someone splashing me with water. "Get up bitch! The boss wants to see you." A white hair shirtless guy said to me. My head was hurting me ode. Then I remembered what happened. "Hasn't that bitch had enough with hurting me."

I snapped rubbing my head. The guy opened the cell and stormed in grabbing me by my arm and yanking me up. "My head hurts bitch stop yanking me around!" I snapped again grabbing my head. Right when I said that he slapped me. I yelped in pain as he then grabbed me.

He dragged me out the little room as I screamed at him. I slapped him, punched him and even kicked him when I could. People started coming out to see what was going on as I tried my best to kill him with my bare hands. We finally stopped and he threw me to the floor.

Getting up I screamed and charged at him only to have arms grab me by my waist pulling me back. "I'm going to fucking kill you bitch! I swear I'll kill you!" I screamed as tears came down my cheeks. I was pulled into a room and let go. The smell of pizza filled my senses as my stomach growled.

"Go take a quick shower then you can eat." X's voice said as he walked in front of me. Should I fight him now to or should I listen? My stomach growled giving me my answer. Listen it is then.

After shower

I walked out X's bathroom in the clothes he gave me to see him on his bed watching Naruto eating. "Grab a plate and sit down and eat." He ordered me without exactly looking at me. Doing as he said I grabbed some food and sat in the corner to eat. But I couldn't even take a bite out of my pizza cause X grabbed it and grabbed my arm.

He brought me to his bed and sat me down on it giving me back my plate. He then went back to his side and sat down eating his food. "What happened to your face? I know damn well I never slapped you." He said not even bothering to look at me.

I ate a few bites of pizza and drank some soda before answering. "Your friend hit me because I told him to stop yanking me around cause my head hurts." I said making him stop what he was doing. I watched as he finished eating and put his plate on a desk.

He then went over to me and grabbed my face gently with his hand picking it up so he could see the mark. "That's why you were trying to fight him." He asked rubbing my cheek with his thumb. I winced in pain making him stop. Looking into his eyes I could see he got angry at this.

Grabbing his phone he typed something in and put the phone to his ear. I just watched as he looked into my eyes. "Yo tell Craig to get his ass back here." He said as my stomach started growling more. He held his phone with his face and shoulder as he grabbed my plate and put more food on it handing it back after.

I ate what he gave me as the guy that brought me here came into the room. X put his phone down and faced him. "What's up boss? Do you want me to take her back to her cell?" He asked making me stop eating. I glared at him as he mean mugged me. "Craig look at her like that again and trust me I will kill you."

X snapped at him as Craig looked at him in confusion. "Now I heard that you decided to take it upon yourself and hit her. Is that true?" X asked putting his hands in his basketball shorts pocket. I just realized he was wearing a white tank and black and white basketball shorts.

"Y-Yes I did but it was only because she was getting disrespectful with me." Craig said as fear began to make it's way on his face. "Well then let this be a warning." X said as he punched Craig in his nose making him hold it. "Tell everyone that if they put there hands on her I will kill them."

X said as Craig nodded his head rapidly. "Now get the fuck out of my room before you get blood on my carpet giving me a reason to kill you." Was the last thing he said before Craig hurried out the door. It's amazing how much fear X put in these men. No wonder the people are so scared of him.

I tried to clear my throat but I needed something to drink. And I drank all my soda. Let's just say I started coughing making X whip around, grabbed my cup and gave me more soda. I drank it and put my plate down once again. "What's the change in attitude for?"

I asked him as he looked at me and tilted his head. "I've decided what I'm going to do with you." He said getting more pizza and wings for himself. "Well then kill me quickly. I want to die anyway." I said as he just stared at me eating his pizza. When he was done he drank some soda before getting up and going to his dresser.

He opened it and pulled out a black choker. He then walked over to me and put it around my neck. "Your mine now. And any and everyone that see's you wearing this will know that." He said taking a seat in front of me on the bed. "What if I don't want to be yours?" I challenged him making him tilt his head.

"Well you don't have a choice. Your mine so get used to it starting now." Was all he said before getting up and getting more food. I grabbed the choker making him look at me quickly. "I dare you to take it off." He growled at me lowkey turning me on. No stop Ruby! I took my hand off the choker as our heads both turned back to watching TV.

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