17- Old Friends and Enemies

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I'm going to make this a filler chapter.

"You want me to be her body guard?!? X I didn't sign up for this shit!" Johnny exclaimed as they all sat in my room. Jahseh had come after Michael had gotten me to go to sleep. When I woke up that's when I saw them all arguing with each other while Jahseh layed next to me glaring at Johnny and Michael.

"I want her to be safe while I'm gone Johnny and even though I trust Ski I don't trust him enough to protect my girl. They can't even get along right now." Jahseh responded putting his attention on Johnny only who huffed in response. "I'm not being some kids body guard! Why can't Michael do it?"

"I mean isn't Michael like some super hero now?" Johnny protested and my brother scoffed at his words. "I'm anything but a hero. More like an Anti-Hero." He said making Johnny chuckle. "So your a pussy?" Johnny snickered as Michael began walking towards him. "Would you rather us get LaRusso?"

Michael growled out making Johnny stiffen. "Fine I'll do it." Came Johnny's reply. With a sigh I leaned into Jahseh's side to which he quickly wrapped an arm around me. "Why don't you guys stop talking to each other for a moment and talk to me? First question, How do you all know each other?"

I spoke loudly getting Michael and Johnny to look at me. "Well it's actually a very interesting story-" Johnny began but Michael cut him off. "A story that isn't worth knowing." He interrupted giving Johnny a death glare. "I actually think that it was-" Johnny laughed out before Michael cut in once again.

"Ruby don't listen to him! He-" Michael began but it was now Johnny's turn to cut him off. "QUIET!" He screamed making Michael go silent and Jahseh chuckle underneath me. "Now that the distractions are over it's time to tell my kick ass story." Johnny said making me giggle myself. Michael just turned around and sat in the nearest chair.

"It was about a year ago before Michael disappeared. I had moved from Reseda, San Fernando to New York in hopes of just starting new. But of course that wasn't the case when I ran into Michael all beaten up in an alley way." Johnny explained making my eyes go wide. I looked to Michael who turned his gaze away from me quickly.

"Me being the asshole that I am I walked over to him and I made fun of him. But the fun eventually died out when about 5 men came out of nowhere telling me to leave. Now at the time I didn't know anything about them. Shit I didn't even know the man that they worked for. But I still helped Mikey over here get away."

"And those men were crazy looking. Looked unhinged if you asked me. But I took them on easily and eventually me and your brother here got out of there." Johnny explained while I felt Jahseh stiffen besides me. "Who did they work for?" I asked wanting to know who exactly may have sent those men after my brother.

"His name is-" Johnny began but Jahseh was quick to cut him off. "I've ordered you all to not speak his name in my presence or at all. Remember that Lawrence?" He said making the room go dead silent. Looking at Jahseh he looked furious at Johnny for almost saying the name.

"All she need's to know is that while I'm the king of Florida he is the king of New York." Jahseh snapped making me gulp. Another mafia leader? Maybe but I would only be asking for trouble if I continued asking. "X the dudes locked up he can't search for you anymore."

Johnny protested but went silent when Jahseh raised his hand to silence him. "If you saw the crazy in his eyes the way I did that night you would understand why I don't want to talk about him." He snapped and soon Michael spoke up.

"Johnny respect his orders. You know the fight between them was serious. He lost someone that day dammit!" Michael said glaring at Johnny with his face thinning. "Holy shit how did you do that?" Johnny asked but I spoke up next. "Why were you in New York in the first place?"

I asked more to Michael then anyone else. Michael sighed before speaking. "I was looking for Loxias. At the time he was my best friend... At least that's what I thought. But he set me up for B- Um the person and I got jumped by his men. It doesn't matter now though." Michael explained looking away from me.

"The both of you get out. I want some alone time with Ruby." Jahseh spoke up looking at nothing in particular. "Your telling me to-" Michael began but Johnny cut him off. "QUIET!" He yelled making Michael lung at him. Johnny dodged and ran out into the hallway before Michael could catch him while Jahseh stood up walking to the door closing and locking it.

He stood there for a moment which made me nervous as I slowed my breathing. Jahseh finally turned around and looked directly into my eyes hunger being the only thing residing in them. "I want you." He spoke lowly taking slow steps towards me.

"I'm right here Seh Seh. How much closer do you want me?" I replied playing stupid just to tease him. Jahseh chuckled slowly climbing on top of me. "I want to be dick stuffed in your pussy close baby." He coo'd bringing his lips to my neck gently. I shivered as his lips kissed me in all the right places of my neck.

Jahseh then brought a hand to my waist as he began bucking his hard length into my heated core making me moan out in pleasure at the friction. But I needed more. He hummed into my neck before pulling his face away from me and looked in my eyes once again.

His brown eyes capturing me in their stare. "But the real question is. Do you want me the way I want you?" He whispered looking at me while slowing down his thrusts. "Y-Yes Jah I do." I gasped out before he smashed his lips to mine hungrily gripping my waist.

That was until we heard a loud banging on the door making us turn towards the sound....

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